****This was not a paid post and my honest opinion was used. The opinions are solely my own and may vary from others.The game slot mentioned below has been provided by
Fox in a Box Tucson for the review free of charge.****

My fiance and I are the kind of people who always say we'd be alright during a Zombie apocalypse and we are always up for an adventure so when I found out about a place called Fox in a box Tucson we knew we wanted to check it out and see how well we would actually do. Fox in a box Tuscon is a live escape the room adventure experience which can host 2-6 people per game slot, they have two rooms available to play in it costs $36-$28 per person depending on the number of people in your party. In one room you must work with your teammates to find all the clues to unlock a vault and steal all the diamonds from the bank, and the other room you must work together to find the cure for the zombie virus which broke out in a science lab. I spoke with Fox in a Box Tuscon and we set up a game for six so my family and I could attend, we all discussed the two rooms and opted for the Zombie science lab. You have 60 minutes to figure out all of the clues to unlock the final clue and win the experience! The game master (one of the owners) keeps and eye over your game while you are in the room, there are cameras and a mic but they are not recording you simply keeping an eye on your progress I will include more on this later in the review. I also want to note that none of the rooms have anyone hiding to jump out and scare you or any other scare factor, the whole point of the room is to have fun and figure out puzzles.
When we arrived we were greeted by the owners who explained the game to us, went over the instructions for the game and played a small movie for us that went over the background of the scene that was about to in fold in front of us. Our mission was to solve all of the clues to find a cure from the zombie virus which had spread across the globe, a group of scientists had been working on the cure but had become infected themselves so it was up to us to save the world. The room was set up with lots of different medical equipment pieces and supplies and also had lots of blood splatter and an over all feeling of a zombie virus outbreak which was wonderful for the experience. The point of this game/adventure is to work together, a great tip they give you before entering the room is that as you explore let your teammates know what you found and what your thoughts are because it might help you with a clue to unlock something, if you think there might be something there say something.
Some would think that because you are in just a single room that
everything would be easy because after all how many places are there to
hide things? You would actually be surprised how intricate the clues are
and how well the room is set up, there were way more things hidden than
I thought there would be and the time goes by quicker than you expect
it to so you really have to focus, discuss clues and try your best. If you get stuck and need help the game master keeping an eye over your
game can offer you hints along the way, you can rack up a "hint bank"
where you get one hint every 10 minutes you are in the room. The hint
will appear on a monitor in the room which also shows you the count down
of how much time is left or via a speaker in the room. There hasn't
been a single game where a group hasn't asked for at least one clue so
don't beat yourself up if you find yourself needing a hint.

I do not want to give away any clues to those of you who want to go check this out so I won't offer much on what all was in the room but as you can see below there are lots of locks that need to be solved by finding clues and that wasn't even all of the locks! This experience was one that all of us enjoyed and we hope to do events like this more often because it gets you thinking and working together. Each of us figured out parts to clues and some of us were better than others at various parts of the tasks which is why it is really a good idea to not try to do everything alone. The entire time we were in the room we were laughing, trying to figure out clues and just over all having a great time because the room is a great way to escape from reality from the outside room for a while. After your game you can discuss your favorite parts, take pictures in the room and talk with the Fox in a Box team one on one and give feedback on anywhere you think could be improved. We personally didn't see or experience anything that needed to be improved everything was perfect.

So now the real question is, did we make it out of the room in time? Towards the end after a hiccup or two which pushed our time back a bit more than we had hoped we weren't sure we were going to make it out on time and that we would become Zombie chow but we did it and we did it with only 39 seconds to spare. After the game if you are hungry they are located in a wonderful spot near a whole bunch of restaurants and shops so you can grab a bite to eat after.
Want to check them out? They are located at 972 East University Blvd Tucson,Arizona 85719