October isn't the only time I enjoy watching creepy things, I love watching horror movies and such all through out the year. I love vampires, witches, and other things that go bump in the night, but I recently realize just how many Zombie inspired movies and shows that I love and I know other people enjoy Zombies as well. So I decided to put together a list of a bunch of my favorite movies and TV shows that you may or may not know about, maybe you'll see a few you already love and maybe you'll get lucky and find something new that you'll enjoy. Some of them are more realistic in a sense when it comes to how the story goes and others are just down right silly but fun to watch. They are in no particular order, be warned this post may get a little long!
Dawn of the Dead (2004). A classic Zombie scenario of a group of survivors stuck in a mall, when I think of places I might look for supplies in a Zombie Apocalypse the mall is probably somewhere I'd check. The story follows a large group of strangers who all have to try to survive together while they fight to try to make decisions and help each other out. I think the acting in this is fantastic, the special effects makeup is beautiful and there are several things they do in the movie that are quite smart for their circumstances. This is a screen play by George A. Romero. You can rent this on amazon prime for $3.99.

Train to Busan (2016). This is one I actually just learned about last year when I was searching for new horror movies to watch and it instantly became on of our favorites. It is a movie produced, filmed and takes place in South Korea and the movie is in Korean but there are subtitles. I like that this one isn't a typical story following a group just going through a city or country side, instead it is a commuter train that becomes infested and everyone is then stuck on a moving train with zombies and have to figure out how to survive. You will find characters you quite enjoy and others you hope get eaten by a zombie, this is a movie I look forward to watching again. You can watch this with your Hulu subscription.

Night of the Living Dead (1968). This is one of the first Zombie movies I can recall ever watching and I loved it. The original was filmed in black and white which gives it an extra creepy factor in my opinion, the acting can be a little cheesy at times like a lot of older movies but over all you need to watch this movie at least once in your lifetime, it is one that really helped inspired zombie movies as we know them now. This is also a screen play by George A. Romero. This is free to watch on Amazon Prime.

28 Days Later (2002). Not going to lie the zombies in this one would scare the crap out of me if they were the zombies we are up against in a real outbreak. They are fast and feel more violent than your ordinary zombie, this is because it is a different type of infection it is a virus that causes it and it can be transferred from animals to humans as well as seen in the movie. I enjoyed the group of survivors in this and it was thrilling all the way through. There is also a squeal that is good as well. When I checked on amazon prime it shows this as a free rental.
Shaun of the Dead (2004). This is one for people looking for something that isn't as gore filled as other zombie flicks and want a few laughs alongside special effects. Instead of a mall movie this is one where the group goes on an adventure to the local pub to survive while doing a few side quests on the way.
Zombieland (2009). This movie is filmed a bit different than other zombie films, instead of it just following the characters in the story the main character talks directly to you as if you are inside his head. He lists his rules of surviving the zombie apocalypse and it follows his journey meeting new friends and what happens to them. This has a follow up movie as well that introduces new characters, but I like the first one more.
World War Z (2013). The zombies in this movie act differently than zombies in other flicks, instead of it being a "only the strong survive" mentality it is the opposite, and you'll understand how once you watch the film. I thought Brad Pitt did a great job with this film, I have only watched this once though I am sure I will watch it again in the future.
The Girl with All the Gifts (2016). This movie has some actual zombies, but I wouldn't say this is really a survival movie, instead they focus on what would happen if children were born already infected. I really enjoyed the story line, flow of the movie and the change of pace this movie brings. The main star did a fantastic job with this movie and even though I sometimes have a hard time remembering the name of the movie I can always talk about what the movie was about.

The Resident Evil Series (Various years). So instead of putting a specific movie for this one I will just put the series as a whole. I personally enjoy the first and second movies the most, followed by the third and after that they just go down hill a little (again that is just my personal opinion). The movie starts off right into the action and keeps you curious and entertained until the end. It is worth mentioning that if you like zombies and video games you are missing out if you haven't played some of the Resident Evil games.
TV Shows:
iZombie (5 seasons). This show was a lot of fun to watch, a girl named Liz becomes infected however she figures out that she can hide the fact she is a zombie and still stay alive because she works in a morgue and eats the brains of the bodies that come in. You quickly find that after she eats the brains she starts to develop the personality of whom ever she ate and can see their memories. After a colleague figures out her secret he convinces her to help a police detective they work with solve crimes. So this is a crime investigation show mixed with zombies, humor and some sappy love stories along with plenty of action. I've fully watched this series twice now and will probably eventually watch it in it's entirety again. I quite enjoy several of the cast members in this and enjoy seeing the other work they do as well. You can watch all of the seasons over on Netflix.

The Walking Dead (11 seasons). This is one that swept the world, there are so many people who still watch or have watched The Walking Dead. I have to admit the first time watching through this I got bored and skipped a season or two before picking it back up again, however my husband and I are currently watching through all of the seasons and it is a lot of fun watching it all again and see what I missed during those two seasons. It annoys me that they didn't loot a lot at the start of their adventures, but as the story progresses they pick things up more often and work smarter. You can watch this series on Netflix.

Z Nation (5 seasons). This show is just ridiculous, that is the best way to describe it. Even though it can get pretty silly, I love this show. How is it ridiculous? One of the main characters goes through three different skin color changes during the course of the show, there is a giant ball of cheese that smashes zombies, zombie strippers and more. You'll really connect with specific characters and want to see them survive the entire time. This is another show I've watched more than once and I wish there were at least one more season of it. There are a lot of similarities in things that happen in this and in The Walking Dead, I feel like who ever wrote this was a fan of TWD. You can also watch this one on Netflix. It also has a pre-sequel called "Black Summer", I have watched both seasons of it, but don't really think it meets the same standards as the shows listed above.

Santa Clarita Diet (3 seasons). This is a show that ended too soon, but I enjoyed the seasons I was able to watch before it was cancelled. It focuses on a married couple and their life after the wife gets turned into a zombie, aside from the wife there aren't too many other zombies you will encounter in the show it is more of a comedy than anything, I am still adding it to this list though because it was enjoyable to watch. I think the casting for this was fantastic and I enjoyed the spider ball, it was freaky but cute (you'll have to watch to find out what it is).

To The Lake (2 seasons). First I will start off by saying, if you don't like watching dubbed shows or movies where the mouths don't quite line up with what they are saying I wouldn't watch this. It was originally in Russian so it is dubbed over and might take a little getting used to. A deadly virus breaks out in Moscow and an unlikely group of survivors tries to fight their way out of the city to a safer destination they know about. Along the way they find trouble and set backs (what zombie show doesn't have set backs?). This one has a fair amount of nudity in it. I am unsure if this show will continue on for a third season or not, as of today they haven't confirmed anything.
There are plenty of other Zombie related movies and TV shows that aren't listed here, these are just some of my personal favorites I wanted to share with all of you!
Leave a comment below letting me know which of these you already love, which you might watch or tell me about one of your favorites that isn't on the list. Wishing you all a safe and Happy Halloween Season.