Thursday, January 20, 2011

Nature Crops GIVEAWAY & Review

I have lots of fun giveaways planned for you coming up including a Valentines Giveaway which will feature a Small Flat Rate box over stuffed with all kinds of Goodies! Keep your eyes out.As many of you know I recently got a new job so Posts will be posted at odd hours though I will try to get them done in the mornings before I leave for work.Today I wanted to share a company with you called Nature Crops who sells Healthy Nutrition Bars.I was sent Three flavor bars to try out "Quinoa,Almonds & Sesame Seeds", "Quinoa & Strawberries" & "Quinoa,& Prunes" I was sent two bars of each.The first One I tried was "Quinoa & Strawberries" I am not 100% sure what a Quinoa is so I wasn't sure what to expect but the bar tasted pretty decent I enjoyed the strawberry flavor of the bars.The second I tried was the "Quinoa,Almonds & Sesame Seeds", I enjoyed this bar the best I love almonds & I enjoy Sesame Seeds as well so it was a win/win situation.I have not tried the bars with the Prunes because I dislike prunes & they upset my stomach but I will have someone try them soon & add in the update of how they taste.Being truthfully honest I can do without the smell of the bars to me they smell like animal bedding for cages.Over all the bars were pretty good i would grab a "Quinoa,Almonds & Sesame Seeds" on the way to work to keep in my purse for Lunch time.****This was not a paid post and my honest opinion was used. The opinions are solely my own and may vary from others.Products were Provided by Nature Crops for the Review & Giveaway****


One Lucky Winner will win a 12 Pack of Nature Crops Nutrition Bars.



Hide a Heart GIVEAWAY & Review

This week has been amazing so far I think it is Good Karma finally catching up with me,I hope that this year continues going how it is now. I have a fun review & giveaway to share with you today I recently worked with a Company called Hide A Heart.

What is Hide A Heart? They are a Glass heart made in the USA of ruby glass & each has a word or symbol on them such as 'Love you','XOXO' & More You can Create an enchanting way to play a simple, fun and romantic game that keeps a love note in circulation! Hide a ruby red glass Hide A Heart in a secret place to surprise someone you love. Hide A Heart will soon become an essential and budget-friendly home accessory.For my review I received the 'Love You' heart which I was very excited to receive, I just recently got a job & I am unable to work the same hours as my DH we are also about to move & are trying to get everything cleaned & packed so there is not always a ton of time to do something extra for each other to show that we care so I am excited to be able to have this heart which is a simple & fun way to remind someone you love them.My DH & I have been hiding the heart all over for each other we take turns hiding it for the other to find,I must admit though it is cheesy I have found myself feeling sad because I will think he hasn't hid it or forgot to then when I am randomly in the middle of one of my errands or daily routine I will find it & it will make me feel loved & happy.It is fun finding new places to hide the stone I have placed it in his Food Take out box for him to find when he went to get more orange chicken,I have hid it inside of his game case & more for me he has hidden it inside my desk,purse & a Diaper [Haha He pulls out our daughters bedtime clothing while I give her a bath & when I went to put her clean diaper on I found the surprise inside of it.] I look forward to playing this game for quite some time it keeps both of us happy,entertained & reminds us of how much we love each other just with a small simple jester,Yes you know they are hiding the heart for you but you never know where you will find it which is why it means so much.****This was not a paid post and my honest opinion was used. The opinions are solely my own and may vary from others.Products were Provided by Hide A Heart for the Review & Giveaway****

One Lucky Winner will win their own 'Love You' Hide a Heart.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Adorablelittleme GIVEAWAY & Review

One of my favorite places to make purchases for friends,family & myself is Etsy there are so many sellers who make unique items & custom items to what you are looking for.I recently had the chance to work with an etsy shop called Adorablelittleme who makes Hair accessories & Jewelry.

For my review I was sent a set of Three bobby pins,I picked the Monster Mash set.Each bobby pin was small but finely detailed,Each bobby pin was unique & different from the next one had glitter,one had a small metal base the other was just a flower I loved them all.Shipping was fast & everything was neatly packaged,The store owner is friendly & fast to respond to messages.Adorablelittleme offers bobby pins in a variety of colors & patterns all at affordable prices,She also sells matching earrings,bracelets,headbands & more want a custom item? Feel free to message her I am sure she would be happy to help.****This was not a paid post and my honest opinion was used. The opinions are solely my own and may vary from others.Products were Provided by Adorablelittleme for the Review & Giveaway****

One lucky winner will win their choice of One item from Adorablelittleme

To be eligible for this giveaway contest you MUST do the MANDATORY entry below. You only need 1 Mandatory entry to enter, but you could also have Additional entries to maximize your chances, please remember to leave each entry in a separate comment box or it won't be counted).Please remember to leave your email so that I am able to contact you if you win.You do not have to be a blog follower but I would love if you would become one it will help you keep updated on All of my giveaways.

MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit Adorablelittleme & Let me know what item you will pick if you win.

*Fan Adorablelittleme on Facebook -1 Entry
*Be a blog follower -3 Entries
*Follow me on Twitter -1 Entry
*Add my blog button to your blog -3 Entries
*Blog about this on your blog - 3 Entries
*Comment on ANY of the Reviews from the past week -2 Entries each
*Tweet about this giveaway [Include @Burningmoonprod] -1 Entry Per day
*Tweet about The Burning Moon Store -1 Entry per day
*Post Why you want to win -1 Entry
*Post about this giveaway on your Facebook -1 Entry
*Enter one of my other giveaways -3 Entries Each

This giveaway will end on February 3rd,2011.Winner will be picked using a Random Number Generator.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pick & Draw GIVEAWAY & Review

I know that you are ready for Today's giveaway now! I have a special giveaway that is fun for the whole family,It is always important to spend as much time with your family as you can No matter how many friends you have that come & go your family will always be there for you through thick & thin.What is a better way of spending time together then Game Nights?

I recently had an opportunity to work with a company call Pick & Draw,I was recently sent a series one Pick & Draw.Pick & Draw is a fun, one-of-a-kind drawing game that teaches you how to make very creative cartoon faces,There are 60,000 different possibilities in the game (a deck of cards).The game uses mainly simple shapes everyone already knows how to do thereby giving confidence to those who try It is simple and easy to use providing endless hours of fun and learning. In five minutes or less you will know how to play.The game suggest that you should use a Piece of paper & a Pencil with an eraser but I think that is a Waste of paper & bad for the environment so we use Medium sized White boards I found at the dollar store.The game has separate piles of cards that you choose from for your character you pick one card from each stack which will create your face,The game comes with easy instructions that are simple to follow.The game also comes with a sheet that gives you small tips for how to make your pick & draw experience more fun including Three small questions to answer for each of the characters you draw including 'What is His/Her Name?" that way not only are you drawing a character but your making their personality & story as well.I think this game is the perfect way to inspire young kids to use their Imagination.


One lucky winner will Win their own Pick & Draw game [Series One]