My daughters birthday falls just six days after Christmas and my son's birthday is in January, which means they get a few days spread out over a month period where they get to open a few presents! This year we wanted to do something a little extra so we decided to head out and check out the new Medieval Times in Scottsdale to celebrate the kids birthdays a little early. We've been to the one in Anaheim so when we told the kids we were going to the one that just opened here they were beyond excited and couldn't wait to go.

Pulling up we thought the new castle looked wonderful, they had bridges to cross over into the castle and an outside stable. The castle in Anaheim has an outdoor area where you stand in line to get tickets, get your tickets scanned, etc before entering into a welcoming building where you get your seating assigned and get to take photos. The Scottsdale castle has an indoor reception area that reminded us a bit of a hotel entrance, the lines are nice and organized and the staff at the desk give you where you'll be sitting right at check in. You receive your areas colored crown and are then able to take a group photo in front of a green screen if you choose to do so.

How is the inside of the Castle grounds and how does it compare to the castle in Anaheim? If you've been to the castle in Anaheim you'll notice quite a few differences, the first being that there is no court yard to stroll/sit in and the inside seating and shopping is much more limited, I was also sad to see there was no in door viewing area to see the horses. However I do really like that they updated the area where the Queen comes out to sit and interact with guests, and that the announcer has his own balcony which makes him easier to spot and hear when he is directing guests into the main tournament hall. Everything ran smoothly getting into the hall and getting seated at our tables. We got lucky and I think our row was missing a seat so we were able to scoot down a little so we weren't elbow to elbow with the people next to us.

Before we entered into the show I had my husband take the kids to look at the gift shop while I went over to the announcement table to purchase an announcement which the Queen reads during the show as a surprise for the kids! For $10 you can get a short personal announcement and a scroll with the occasion/name to take home, they also have other package options available that come with a gift, etc. (the scroll is delivered at the end of the tournament). The kids were so excited when the queen wished them a Happy Birthday!

How does dinner work? As you can imagine they didn't have the wide assortment of eating utensils we do now during the Medieval times so you eat with your hands! All foods are finger food friendly, and you are provided with a napkin and a wet wipe (they bring out another towards the end of dinner). Each row in the different sections has it's own server to help make everything run smoothly, drinks are served first followed by soup and garlic bread. After the servers are part of the show for a moment then they come back and start serving roasted chicken, corn on the cob, and roasted potatoes. All of the food is pretty delicious and they serve you quite a bit so you are sure to be full by the end of your meal. Afterwards you'll be served which ever dessert they have for the night, we had ice cream. Your server will come by again during dinner to see if you need a drink re-fill and they will come by during dessert to see if any of the adults want coffee.

Did our Knight win? Sadly not this time, perhaps next time! But the show was a lot of fun to watch and it is always fun to participate in cheering for your Knight and booing your opponents. After the show is over the Knights come out to take photos with the crowd. I also loved that before the show started the falconer and his Falcon were out in the hall taking photos with people. The show last for two hours, which is a steal seeing as the price of $45.95 per Adult & $35.95 per child is for the price of a four course meal and a two hour show. For a limited time you can save 40% on Adult tickets and 20% on kids tickets by using code USF4020 at checkout. You can also register to WIN 4 free tickets to a show of your choice (at any of their castles) by clicking HERE.
Disclaimer- The products mentioned above were provided by Medieval Times for the review free of charge no other compensation was provided. However, no product compensation will influence the outcome of any review. My honest opinions are used in all reviews, they are solely my own & they may vary from others. My reviews are posted for readers in order to provide an informed decision before purchase.