Growing up I was a big fan of Harry Potter, it is such a captivating and mystical story it is easy to love. I recently participated in a Harry Potter exchange and it sparked my love for Harry Potter again, Wouldn't it be neat to own a real working wand? While I can't own a real wand I can own a replica wand. A magical little etsy shop called Kiklops Dynamic specializes in Harry Potter replicas and Assassin's Creed replicas. I was recently sent a Brown wand to use for review purpose.

My wand shipped all the way from Slovakia & make it here within a three week period which I think is lovely normally international packages take at least a month. The wand was well wrapped, and by well wrapped I mean it was almost hard to open which means the wand was perfectly safe during shipping. The wands in Kiklops Dynamic range from 8.99 to $19.99 plus shipping. The wand is handcrafted and has fine details from the knotted head to the thinner tip, it is made from resin but looks like real wood. It is a nice weight sturdy enough to with stand cosplaying but Do not use this as a weapon it will break and can cause injuries. If you are looking for something for your collection or for cosplaying purposes I suggest heading over to check out their shop.They offer over tweleve different wands from the movie, Want a Luna LoveGood or Professor Snape wand? They have you covered.
they have a nice selection
I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan. This would be an awesome gift to a collector such as myself. My birthday is in July. This is now on my wishlist. Thank-you so much for sharing.
These are really cool! My kids would love one for each of them I'm sure!
Thanks for the review!
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