
Thursday, January 4, 2024

January Beauty & The Book Giveaway!


New month, New year! I hope all of you had a good holiday break & wish you all a wonderful year. December definitely went by quickly for me, I always love doing holiday type events like going to the drive-through light show, looking at neighborhood holiday lights and more which keep me busy and makes the time fly. Of course, a new month means a new beauty & the book giveaway! This month there is no real theme, it is just some fun products I've put together. Next month I'll be going with the cheesy & predictable theme of "Valentines" and if you are a squishmallow fan you'll want to check it out. Speaking of giveaways, if you are local to AZ I have a giveaway up for a pair of tickets to the Tucson Botanical Garden. I will also be giving away tickets to the AZ home & garden show, a heated jacket, and more this month. 

I'll also be sharing some more travel destination spots that are fun to visit for families & some new reviews. As always thank you for being a reader & engaging with my content including entering the giveaways I host. This year I am hoping to start sharing posts more often & hope to grow my readers/follows more this year, your likes/comments/shares help that out quite a bit. Now let's get to what you came to this post for, the Beauty & the book giveaway. 

💜 What's Included This Month 💜

☆ Soft cover copy of Knight of the Silver Circle
☆ Blue Notebook to keep track of goals, lists or plans
☆ Morphe Lipstick
☆ NYX Lipstick
☆ NYX Marsh Mellow Prime Sample
☆ Patchology under eye mask
☆ Creme Shop Facemask
☆ Exfoliating face peel
☆ Mini ELF eyeshadow palette
☆ Aceology face mask
☆ Mascara
☆ Sweet & Shimmer black eyeliner
☆ Beauty Concepts Nail Polish x2
☆ Bath Bomb
☆ Ardell False Eye lashes
☆ Sour Gummy Candies
☆ Lindor Chocolate bar

This is open Worldwide! Please remember if you DO NOT leave a comment on this blog post as your mandatory entry into the giveaway then all of your entries will be void. Doing the Daily entries will increase your chance of winning. Winners have 72 hours to respond to the notification email! This giveaway is hosted by ME.

This giveaway ends on 02/05/2024

Giveaway entry question: Leave a comment answering at least one of these questions.

Which item in this bundle are you most excited about?
Do you have any goals for this month you are trying to achieve
What is your favorite memory from last year?

It is easiest if you log onto Rafflecopter using the Name/Email Address option. 

You can complete as many entries as you want, there are several one-time activities and daily activities that can earn you more entries into the giveaway. Be sure to keep an eye on my site & social media pages for more giveaways headed your way. 


  1. I’m excited about the mascara!

  2. My resolution is to exercise more.


  3. i'm excited to try the under eye mask

  4. The most memorable thing about 2023 was catching up with my Best friend in person after 5 years as we now live in different states. Also my Uncle and Aunt plus cousins.

  5. I am excited about the slow down skin creme

  6. Mt number one goal is to start my card art business. I have been wanting to do it for two years now but something always seems to gey in the way time wise.I am off to a good start already and am working hard to stay on track.

  7. I love the bath bomb

  8. Amazing gift!! I want to take better care of my health is my resolution this year.. and try makeup of course!🤗❣

  9. I'm most excited about the Sweet & Shimmer black eyeliner.

  10. I'm most excited to try the Patchology under eye mask.

  11. I'm most excited about in this bundle is the NYX Marsh Mellow Prime Sample. I've heard great things about it, and I'm looking forward to trying it out for a fresh and flawless makeup base! 💄

  12. I am most excited for the NYX lipstick because I have never worn a super bright lipstick like that before and I would love to experiment with different makeup.

  13. i’m most excited for the book! hello who doesn’t want to read about knights

  14. My favorite memory from this last year was going to Dollywood.

  15. i am excited about the sweet and shimmer eye liner

  16. im excited about the mascara

  17. I wanna try the mascara!

  18. I love NYX products! In 2023 I moved closer to my family.

  19. I would love to win the under eye mask. I have been wanting to try this. My favourite memory of last year was when my son and daughter in law surprised us by announcing their pregnancy. Joyful!

  20. I am most excited about the Mini ELF eyeshadow palette.

  21. I am most excited for the nail polish!

  22. My first goal for this month is to finish the remodeling of my master bathroom.

  23. I'm doing "dry January" for my goal this month. 12 days in!

  24. I'm trying to write in a gratitude journal every day.

  25. I am excited about the Exfoliating face peel

  26. I like the exfoliating face peel

  27. I'm most excited about the exfoliating face peel

  28. The sour gummy candies most excite me.

  29. My favourite memory from last year was the day my niece was born.

    I'd be most excited for the mascara.

  30. This year I am REALLY shooting for my Girl Scout troop to earn their Bronze Award. I really hope the girls are able to get the work done and have that sense of accomplishment!

  31. I would really love to win and try the Patchology under eye masks
    Marlene V.

  32. I want the Chewy candy things! Yum

  33. My favourite memory from last year was when our youngest grandchild was born.

  34. I’m most excited for the Patchology under eye mask

    Kelly Ambalkar

  35. I’m most excited for the book!

  36. My goal is to save for a trip to Europe!

  37. Well Done

  38. The ☆ Exfoliating face peel
    Thank you so much!

  39. There's a few that I'm really excited about, however the under eye mask sounds great!

  40. the eyeliner looks awesome, eyeliner is my go-to

  41. Can't Go Wrong Wearing Lipstick at Age 70. I Love It!

  42. I'm excited to try the under eye mask!

  43. Wow! Giveaway is absolutely fabulous! You picked awesome items, just what anyone needs to kickstart the year. Good luck everyone. Lyosha

  44. I would most like to try the Patchology eye patches.

  45. My favorite memory from 2023? All of the ridiculous, silly, hilarious moments with my daughter. The ones that made me pause for a second and realize just how alike we are and how much I treasure our relationship. Nawww

  46. Its been a long day, so right now I'm most excited about the Lindor Chocolate bar

  47. love the nail polish colors

  48. At this moment I am most excited about the Lindor Chocolate Bar!

  49. im excited for the notebook

  50. Most excited for exfoliating face peel

  51. my favorite memory from last year is seeing taylor swift in concert :')

  52. i'm most excited about the bath bomb!

  53. I'm excited to to try the Patchology under eye mask

  54. I am most excited about the Morphe Lipstick.

  55. I am excited about the books and the under eye mask. Thank you

  56. I’d love to try the Sweet & Shimmer black eyeliner since I’m an eyeliner fan. My goal is to eat healthier!!

  57. I'm excited to win the Lindor Chocolate bar

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  58. I'm really excited to try the nail polish.

  59. I am most excited about the false eyelashes, I am determined to start wearing them when I dress up, it is one of my goals for the year.

  60. Illuminating Eye Gel Sounds Awesome For This Olde4r age of 70 & Loving It.

  61. Wanna try the Marsh Mello Primer.

  62. I am trying to eat less sugary treats and more healthier alternatives.

  63. My goal for this month is to complete a class I'm currently taking.

  64. I'm looking forward to trying the Sweet & Shimmer black eyeliner!

  65. I am most excited about the under eye shenanigans. Also, I am struggling with depression currently, so a personal goal of mine is to overcome that. Thanks!

  66. I would love to win those lashes, but everything looks great so the bundle as a whole I am excited about.

  67. Sandhra John: I am most excited for the book

  68. Morphe lipstick

  69. Most excited about the bath bomb

  70. Okay, lots of the items sound great, but I can't stop myself from "drooling" over the Lindor Chocolate bar! Thanks and God Bless! ILuvTheEucharist @ aol dot com

  71. I am most excited to try the Beauty Concepts nail polish and bath bomb.

  72. I am trying to walk for 1/2 hour a day 5 times a week.

  73. I'm most excited about the nail polish but maybe the chocolate!

  74. I started a few days ago to eat better. I want to tone up and get healthy.

  75. I am most excited about the books!

  76. I'm excited about the Aqua lashes.
