
Wednesday, August 9, 2023

UFO Experience in Scottsdale,Arizona!


Have you ever wondered if Aliens really exist? Ever wondered how some of our ancestors were able to do the amazing feats they accomplished such as the pyramids, Stonehenge and more?  For anyone who is curious to know more about the unexplained & unknown you can check out the "UFO Experience" that opened up at the Arizona Boardwalk earlier this year. They are open seven days a week from 10am-6pm & it is located in Scottsdale. It is $21.95 per adult & $15.95 per child, you can expect to spend about 35-60 minutes here. 

The UFO Experience is a small alien focused exhibit that has been set up like a museum. You'll find a few interactive spots, replicas & props along with a ton of information on different UFO/Alien sightings. We got lucky & there were not a ton of people around when we visited so we were able to take our time & read each of the plaques and screens they had set up with information. Some of the events we know of & have heard of while others we haven't so it was neat being able to learn about some events we didn't know about. Everything is self-guided so you can go at your own pace, the flow of the exhibit is straight forward and easy to navigate. 

In the first area you visit you will find a wall with headphones that you can put on & listen to real 911 and air traffic control calls of people who have experienced something out of this world. You will also find a few TV's playing videos of UFO's people have taped, court cases and more featuring aliens and unknown flying objects. There are also some highlighted events such as the Phoenix lights, a reenacted alien autopsy and a moon walk for the kids. (It is big enough adults can get in it as well). 

Following this room, you will wander into a section that has a number of weapons & props from different alien related movies. You'll find an alien shooting range, a Men-In-Black featured corner, an interactive game on the floor and a fake autopsied alien body that you can poke & feel if you wish. In the other sections you will find busts of various alien species that are said to have been seen on Earth, clips from movies about aliens along with some large replicas of the aliens themselves plus more alien encounter moments.

There is also a whole section on pyramids & similar structures that are incredible when you really think about how they managed to build them without some of the advantages we have today. I was very excited in the room with the pyramid information because they actually have a replica of a very old artifact that I've read about before. In 1973 a three-thousand-year-old artifact was found in Turkey; hundreds of artifacts have been found all of the world so what makes this one so special? The shape of it looks like a rocket ship with an astronaut (missing its head) sitting in the cockpit. For a time period that did not have rocket ships, it really makes you wonder, how and why it was created or what inspired them to make it. It looks like a piece that may have been made to be used as a toy for young children. It is kind of hard to see in the photo that I took above due to the lighting so I have also provided a sketch from google of what the artifact looks like so you can see it for yourself plus a photo of the actual artifact. 

You will find a lot of fun photo opportunities along the way so be sure to have a camera or your phone with you. Is the experience worth a visit? My family & I enjoyed what they had to offer, this is something we were already interested in and discussed so it was neat getting to read about some experiences we haven't heard of. I liked that they had some things for small kids to enjoy as well like the moon walk, touching the aliens' insides, they had an area with two sofas plus some kids alien themed books for them to read and more to keep the little ones occupied. Before you leave you can put a chip into a voting bin to state whether you believe in aliens or not! You can see in the image below that there is a decent amount of people who have said no, along with many maybe's however the yes has a large majority of the votes. Where do you think you'd stand with your vote? As you exit you will exit into the gift shop where you'll find a number of cute alien products from kitchen goods to stuffed animals and jewelry. 

🌡 If you live in Arizona check out the "Things to do in Arizona" section of my blog to find entertainment, restaurants, vacation spots & more. 

Disclaimer- Tickets to the center + exhibit mentioned above were provided by The Arizona Boardwalk + UFO Experience for the review free of charge no other compensation was provided. However, no product compensation will influence the outcome of any review. My honest opinions are used in all reviews, they are solely my own & they may vary from others. My reviews are posted for readers in order to provide an informed decision before purchase.


  1. Woah, how cool! As a believer in aliens, I would love to visit this exhibit! Love the alien autopsy, very cool :D

  2. What a fun place to visit! Definitely something a little different and unique to check out. And fun regardless if you believe in extraterrestrial life or not.

  3. Such a fun museum. The alien autopsy is very interesting.

  4. Wow, this is such an interesting exhibit! I know for sure that my partner, who is endlessly fascinated with aliens, would love to visit here. Thanks for sharing.

  5. What a fun place to visit. It looks like there are some cool exhibitions, somewhere a bit different for the summer x

  6. My husband and daughter would love this as for me I would go along to see if it would convince me of aliens

  7. This sounds like an out of this world experience!

  8. Wow! This is so cool! I'd love to bring my nephews here! I'm they will go crazyh with these stuff!

  9. That is so so cool! I would love to check this exhibition out, it is awseome. Thank you for sharing.

  10. The "UFO Experience" at Arizona Boardwalk sounds like a thrilling adventure into the mysterious and unexplained! πŸ›ΈπŸ‘½ It's fascinating to ponder the possibilities of ancient achievements and extraterrestrial connections. This exhibit seems like a fantastic opportunity to delve deeper into these intriguing questions. Thanks for sharing the details – I'm definitely adding this to my must-visit list!

  11. That sounds like a super fun thing to do! I'm going to check it out next time I'm in Scottsdale.

  12. Wow! This is definitely an amazing museum to visit! Everything looks first hand and really awesome! Hope to visit this in the near future! Loved it!

  13. Your detailed account of the UFO Experience in Scottsdale, Arizona, is captivating and informative. The way you describe the exhibits, interactive spots, and artifacts brings the experience to life. Your personal insights and enthusiasm make me eager to explore this intriguing exhibit myself.

  14. I love that the exhibition is family-friendlyand its based on the widespread interest in UFOs and alien lifeforms.

  15. This is an awesome place to visit and learn what we probably have never heard of! Love the images you took during the visit!

  16. Wow, this is an interesting experience and I haven't done this before. REading your post makes me want to go there. Thank you for sharing!

  17. It looks like a fun, interactive experience. I would find it very interesting as I find all of the alien facts so cool.

  18. It sounds like a really cool experience! I love that they have activities for both kids and adults. And the voting bin is a fun touch - I wonder where I'd stand with my vote! Plus, the gift shop sounds like a great way to cap off the visit. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  19. This is very interesting! For a moment at the beginning, I thought I was going to view content on actual aliens. This is not bad as well. Thanks for sharing about it.

  20. What a fun place! My family and I would definitely enjoy visiting it. I 100% believe that there is life in the Universe beyond our tiny planet. Whether they have come to our planet and engaged with us, I am not sure but I suspect that answer is yes.

  21. Wow, so interesting! I wish we had something like that near me!

  22. What an exciting experience this would be! I can't even imagine what it would be like!

  23. Oh wow what a unique and fun place to visit! I love the idea of a room full of alien movie props and would love to check this place out.
