
Thursday, February 9, 2023

BicBugs Review & Giveaway!


I've always loved butterflies, they are beautiful insects. The only sad thing is a lot of butterflies species do not have a long life and if you are someone who lives in the city you might not get to see butterflies that often. So how can you admire the beauty of butterflies in your own home? I personally have always loved seeing movies & shows where people have collections of preserved butterflies so as I got older I started my own collection. There are a lot of great shops out there that sell framed specimens, but one of the shops that I enjoy and has a wide range of not only butterflies but other bugs and more is BicBugs. I am very excited to be able to share not only a review of their site with you, but I get to host a giveaway for two products as well. For anyone curious where they & similar stores get their butterflies from they have a FAQ on their website that explains everything. All of the specimens come from butterfly aviaries that have passed away after their natural time frames have expired.

When starting a collection of framed specimens, where do you start? I would personally set a budget before hand that you'd like to spend each time you add something to your collection, butterflies can range anywhere from $15 to a few hundred dollars. I started out with a mixture of affordable pieces and have slowly added to that collection since. The above above shows a large portion of the collection of specimens that I own plus it also shows my newest addition. My favorite color is blue so I was so excited to find that BicBugs sent me a Morpho didius blue butterfly which is from Peru. The butterfly is gorgeous, the way the light bounces off of the butterflies natural color gives it a shiny sheen that is mesmerizing to look at and yes the butterfly is really as blue as it looks in the picture in real life.

If you select the framed option when shopping it will arrive in a black shadow box sitting on some soft cotton to keep the fragile specimen protected while displayed. They also have the option to receive just the specimen which you can then mount yourself in any frame or setting of your choosing. I also received an adorable little sea horse in a jar, it comes in a small vial which is easy to display. This is something brand new to my collection as I don't have any wet specimens, I do have a few assorted bugs and two bats, so I am excited to add this to what I currently have. 

I think their website has a large selection and their prices are pretty great as well so if you are looking to get started on your collection, just want to pick up one or two things, or are already a collector I suggest checking out what they have to offer. The FAQ section is also really nice for various questions you may have about the process. I also love that they are based out of Arizona, so any time I pick up something from them to add to my collection I am supporting a local business. 

Everything was packaged perfectly to protect the frame and butterfly during shipping & the little seahorse came wrapped in bubble wrap inside of a little baggie to not only keep it safe but to contain it just incase. I also have a great giveaway! The details for that are below. 

Prize Alert:

One lucky winner is going to receive a orb weaver spider in resin on a necklace along with a great hat that says "I like Big Bugs and I cannot lie" 

This is open US Residents only! Please remember if you DO NOT leave a comment on this blog post as your mandatory entry into the giveaway then all of your entries will be void. Doing the Daily entries will increase your chance of winning. Winners have 72 hours to respond to the notification email! 

This giveaway ends on 02/25/23 -> Has been extended to the 28th.

Giveaway entry question: Leave me a blog comment letting me know a product from BicBugs you'd like to have.

Disclaimer- The products mentioned above were provided by BicBugs for the review & giveaway free of charge no other compensation was provided. However, no product compensation will influence the outcome of any review. My honest opinions are used in all reviews, they are solely my own & they may vary from others. My reviews are posted for readers in order to provide an informed decision before purchase.


  1. I would love to own a specimin of the gorgeous Papilio ulysses swallowtail blue black butterfly Indonesia

  2. Morpho catenarius catenaria white blue butterfly Argentina is a beautiful specimen.

  3. Lucy Smith / charywaysFebruary 11, 2023 at 6:43 AM

    Oooo, the Orb weaver spider web framed preserved would be so cool!

  4. I think the firefly squid pink purple wet specimen is interesting

  5. The firefly squid pink!


  6. I'd like to own the, "Papilio ulysses swallowtail blue black butterfly Indonesia"!

  7. Oh wow my daughter would love something like this! What a cool idea!

  8. Very unique love it

  9. One product i would like to have would be the red gold centipede preserved wet specimen

  10. I would love the Urania ripheus sunset moth verso green pink orange black Madagascar!

  11. I'd love a Luna Moth

  12. honey bee with preserved flower necklace

  13. Would love to own the blue morpho butterfly 🦋 😍

  14. A gorgeous Luna Moth would be amazing.

  15. Cymothoe sangaris red glider butterfly Africa

  16. i love the Salamis duprei pink purple black mother of pearl butterfly Madagascar

  17. Urania ripheus sunset moth verso green pink orange black Madagascar

  18. I love the Anaea xenocrates blue black butterfly El Salvador. I don't like any of the bugs.


  20. I love the butterflies but it's hard to pick just one

  21. I like the Arizona Southern black widow Latrodectus mactans wet specimen. I remember seeing one at my Grnadma's house as a kid and her acting as though we were dealing with a rattlesnake.

  22. There’s too many to pick which one is my favorite!!! I am absolutely in love with the Graphium weiskei blue black purple green butterfly from Papua New Guinea though! Those colors !!!!

  23. i would love to own the blue morpho butterfly

  24. The Salamis parhassus pink purple black mother of pearl butterfly Africa would be really cool to own.

  25. I really like the Morpho menelaus blue butterfly French Guyana. Thank you

  26. I would like to have the Perisama euriclea red white butterfly Christmas ornament Peru.

  27. I would like to have a praying mantis or a beetle.
