
Thursday, January 19, 2023

Giveaway - Win a face mask bundle!


Earlier this month on the January Beauty & The Book post, I mentioned I bought a ton of holiday themed face masks so I would be hosting a mid-month giveaway with them so here it is! This giveaway will who have two winners who will each win a mini face mask bundle that includes four fun holiday themed face masks, a eva-nyc product sample, a carmex lip balm and a journal that comes with a sheet of stickers. 

Winter can be pretty harsh on the skin & lips so this prize pack will help you combat that a little! Plus it is nice to relax and do a little self-pampering at least once a week. Each prize pack is worth about $18. The face masks are a mixture of sheet masks & cream/mud masks.

The two bundles are slightly different from each other as they don't have the exact same face masks or journal. I personally love keeping a journal handy as I enjoy making lists of things I need to do or posts that need to be completed & I know many others do the same along with keeping an actual day to day journal so I thought it would be a fun addition to the face masks. 

This is open World Wide! Please remember if you DO NOT leave a comment on this blog post as your mandatory entry into the giveaway then all of your entries will be void. Doing the Daily entries will increase your chance of winning. Winners have 72 hours to respond to the notification email! This giveaway is hosted by ME.

This giveaway ends on 02/03/2023

Giveaway entry question: Leave a comment answering at least one of these questions.

Did you set any New Years Resolutions for yourself?
Do you prefer sheet masks or cream/mud masks? 
What is something you are looking forward to over the next month?

You can complete as many entries as you want, there are several one-time activities and daily activities that can earn you more entries into the giveaway. Be sure to keep an eye on my site & social media pages for more giveaways headed your way. This giveaway was paid for myself. 


  1. Yes, I set a resolution to exercise at least 4 times per week

  2. I do use both sheet masks and cream/mud masks. My New Years resolution is to try not to stress so much!
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  3. I stopped setting resolutions years ago because I am just unable to follow through with them.

  4. I did set a resolution and it is to be as healthy as possible and I prefer both depends on my mood lol and I'm hoping to see some weight loss next month

  5. My resolution for the year is to stop procrastinating ^.^

  6. I love using masks, but I do prefer sheets over creams.

  7. I'm looking forward to a family vacation this month!

  8. I prefer sheet masks.

  9. To eat more fruit!


  10. I am looking forward to seeing my cousin act in a local theatre play. He is a great actor and I always enjoy my night out seeing his work.

  11. My New Years Resolution is to try and reduce stress and take little vacations even if it's just going for a walk!

  12. I never set New Years resolutions, just try to work on things through the year.

  13. No resolutions for the new year. Just continuing from the past years.

  14. I resolved to read my bible more.

  15. I set a resolution to get better sleep!

  16. One of my resolutions is to be more social and put myself out there more, try to meet new people, and make new friends.

  17. I'm looking forward to my Dad's birthday. Eat some good pizza and cake, and relax.

  18. No I don't make New Years Resolutions. I prefer to continue for self improvement all year long

  19. I really prefer cream/mud masks to sheet masks.

  20. I prefer face masks

  21. I don't I never did them so stopped

  22. I like either type of mask because they are both are a real treat!

  23. I am looking forward to a Chinese buffet.

  24. I do not so resolutions just work on it the whole year.

  25. I don't set New Years Resolutions for myself because I have a difficult time sticking to them.

  26. I liked to use both sheet masks and cream/mud masks.

  27. I'm looking forward to finally ordering a new washing machine! Ours broke on NYE and we've been doing laundry manually since then. It's good exercise at least...

  28. I like the sheet masks because they're less messy and easier to use. My daughter is obsessed with doing them with me.

  29. I'm looking forward to a better year starting in January 😊

  30. I'm looking forward to spending time with my newborn son.

  31. I am looking forward to dinner with out of town friends.

  32. Hope to lose weight and break my sugar addiction.

  33. I prefer sheet masks unless I'm about to get in a shower.

  34. My daughter is all about the masks!

  35. I Don't set New Years Resolution. Just looking for a Healthier Lifestyle in Diet & Excercise in My Golden Years

  36. My resolution this year is to get organized.

  37. Mine is to be healthy...mind, body and spirit.

  38. I like both sheet and cream/mud masks - but I really like the old-fashioned peel-off masks!

  39. Do you prefer sheet masks or cream/mud masks?

    A: Good question because I feel like there are so many brands for cream/mud masks you never know which one is really good. I would say my favorite would be Sheet Masks.

  40. I love sheet masks. They are very hydrating

  41. I prefer sheet masks over mud masks because they feel very hydrating

  42. I like face masks over the mud/cream.

  43. I've never used a mask before so do not know my preference.

  44. I have never used masks, would love to try them. No resolutions this year and I really looking forward to traveling more this year.

  45. I am looking forward to a train trip next week.
