
Monday, January 30, 2023

A must see destination in Arizona, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum!

I recently found my favorite museum that I've ever visited & I wish I lived closer so I could buy a yearly membership to it because I would visit all the time. My family & I wanted to go on a small vacation for the holidays instead of doing a bunch of gifts so I planned a mini vacation to a city in our state that had several attractions we'd never been to before, one of those spots is the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. It is so much more than just a museum it is a 98-acre zoo, aquarium, botanical garden, natural history museum & art gallery. It is located at 2021 N Kinney Rd Tucson, AZ 85743.

It is a popular tourist type spot so I highly recommend getting there early to get a parking spot closer to the entrance, or if you don't mind a short hike there are parking lots a bit further back. We arrived shortly after they opened & the parking lot was already pretty full with a decent line at the ticket window. The line moved quickly & the staff were all very friendly, the place is big enough that even with the number of people visiting you didn't feel crowded or overwhelmed which is nice. It also helps in spots like this when everyone takes their turn to look at exhibits, etc. without cutting in front of others so that made everything run smoothly. The website states it takes about 2-3 hours to see everything & it is quite true, depending on how much time you spend at each stop you might be there for even longer. A large majority of the museum is outdoors so if you aren't a fan of the heat the best time to visit is in the winter/spring months to avoid the Arizona summer heat. We visited on a beautiful slightly cloudy winter morning & the weather was perfect for visiting. 

The aquarium didn't open for another ten minutes after we arrived so our first stop was to the reptile house where we were able to see a large assortment of snakes, scorpions, frog/toads and more. We even had a chance to see one of the staff members feeding the toads which is always neat. My favorite enclosure in the reptile house were the walking sticks (or stick bugs), I haven't seen one out in the wild since I was a kid & I love how they look so getting to see a bunch of them up close was fantastic. After exiting we went straight for the aquarium & got lucky because the only other person in it was a staff member doing a bit of maintenance on one of the tanks so we had the whole place to ourselves. There was an assortment of fish both native to Arizona & non-native species such as seahorses to watch swim. No matter what aquarium I visit, I always enjoy spending a few minutes in front of the seahorses, it is so cute to watch them float around & grab onto the seaweed/plants with their tails. 

Shortly after we left the aquarium it was about time for the birds of prey show they host almost daily, but we decided to use that time to check out a few of the other exhibits since could see that 90% of the visitors there that day were headed to the show. We walked around the cactus botanical garden a little bit & I snapped some photos of the wild birds along with the cactus on display. They have multiple gardens around the museum, you can grab a map before heading into the museum that will show you where everything is & label it so you know where you are. Next I wanted to visit the hummingbird aviary, you actually get to go inside & be in an indoor garden with the hummingbirds flying right next to your head. I've been in bird aviaries before, none of which have had hummingbirds and I love them so I was overly excited. We spent quite a bit of time inside of it watching the hummingbirds, relaxing on the benches talking a little & of course I was snapping photos the whole time. 

Right next to the hummingbird aviary is an art galley, the art work was gorgeous & most of it featured native wildlife or scenery and everything is available for purchase. There was also a small section with trinkets like postcards, 3D printed items & more. The restaurant they had there smelled amazing, so if you get hungry while there stop in for a bite to eat or visit their cafĂ© for a snack + coffee. They have an underground animal area where you actually head underground to check out a few small enclosures to see critters that you don't typically get to see. Then we explored a bit more of the gardens & went to the bird aviary that has bigger birds such as cardinals, quail & more which of course I loved and we spent time at some of the benches just watching the different birds. 

In total you will go on a hike that is about two miles long, while viewing wildlife habitats set up along the way with animals such as javelina, bobcats, bears, wolves and more. They also have another underground section that takes you into a cave area & a mine where they have minerals on display. Just writing about the Sonora desert museum makes me want to go back again! There was so much to do & so much to see, it was quite the adventure. If we lived closer I would get a membership as mentioned, because it would be a great place to go for a mini hike for exercise while getting to see some neat stuff. They had some other great things to do, but if I talk about it anymore this post is going to be gigantic so if you are ever in the area you need to check this place out & enjoy it for yourself, you won't regret it. Admission is $29.95 per adult & $19.95 for kids - If you live in AZ & are a bit short on cash but still want to visit this museum they are part of the Culture Pass program through the Arizona public library system, you can visit your local libraries website to see which location has a culture pass for this zoo - the library allows you to "check out" 2 passes per family per month through their program (1 pass at a time) for free & each pass gets you two free admissions into where ever the pass is for. 

If you are looking for more adventures in Tucson type in "Things to do in Tucson" or "Things to do in Arizona" in the search bar of my blog, I have several more fantastic animal attractions and more in Tucson to share with you & when all done within a few days it makes for a action packed vacation. 

Which part of this museum do you think you would be most interested in? What would you want to see first? 

**This is not a sponsored post, my family & I decided to visit the museum while we were in the area and paid to visit the museum. I enjoy sharing some of the fun places we've been & things we've seen with my readers so they can enjoy it too if they get a chance.**


  1. I'd love to visit this museum in Arizona! There is so much to learn nd see. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. It looks idyllic there, I will keep doing the lottery as my family would love to go here.

  3. Wow! I’ve been wanting to visit a friend in that area and I was looking for things to do. Looks like this has enough variety to keep us busy all day! Thank you!

  4. This looks like the type of place my family would enjoy. We would like the nature and zoo part of the museum more than anything but would still enjoy it all.

  5. I have been to Arizona, but never to Tucson. I love a good museum and I'm certain I would enjoy a visit to this one.

  6. I have never been to Arizona. It seems like a cool place. Maybe we will go there when the kids are older.

  7. This is a great place to hike and explore. Its always good to connect with nature, especially after a tiring week.

  8. My kids would totally go viewing wildlife habitats. Arizona will be our next travel destination.

  9. Wow what an amazing place to visit, my daughter would love to visit here

  10. This looks like my dream destination, I live in the UK and have never been to Arizona but I love the whole desert, cacti, nature vibe. This is somewhere I hope to see one day

  11. such a cool place. bet my kids would love to go here and see the animals for themselves :)

  12. This sounds like a really great place to visit with the family. My children would love seeing all the different animals there. I'd love to visit the hummingbird aviary.

  13. Nnniiiccceeeee...I am yet to see some of the animals and scenery in here. I love art displays so much.

  14. Great information. I would love to visit here! Your pictures and description are great!


  15. Wow so much to see. Although I don't do well in the heat so I'd definitely need to go when it's cooler x

  16. OMG! This is amazing. I so wish I could see this. On my list.

  17. I can see why you love it. I would love to visit this spot too as would my husband.

  18. WOW. You have some stunning views attached. I think I'll be adding to my bucket list.

  19. I have to admit I did not realize how beautiful Arizona is! The natural parks and wildlife is amazing.

  20. The landscapes of Arizona are amazing, I would love to visit this museum to see all of the plants and nature, it all looks so beautiful!

  21. I love the artwork and the sound of a hummingbird aviary! That's amazing! I've never saw one up either in a zoo or the wild.

  22. We loved our trip to Sedona but I don't remember if we got around to Tuscon or not. That sounds like an amazing place to visit! I'm sure that visiting the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum was especially enjoyable, since it offered such a large array of activities and offerings. I can understand why you'd want to get a yearly membership as it would be so worth it seeing how much there is to learn and explore at the museum. It's great that you got an opportunity to experience something new like this - I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!

  23. Wow this desert museum in Arizona is definite a must see! My friend lives near by I am sure she will plan a trip there.

  24. Wow! I love the vegetation in your photos. So raw and beautiful! I would love to visit this place some day.

  25. Arizona looks like a nice state to visit. I feel like they have so much to do by the looks of your blog post and I know they have beautiful sunsets.

    Tara Enright

  26. I would love to see the vegetation & animals.

  27. Looks like a fantastic place to visit! Such a beautiful nature!

  28. Oh wow what a fasinating and unique place! I would love to explore this area more and hopefully visit one day

    Laura x

  29. That sounds like great place to visit with the kids, definitely someplace they would enjoy and tons of interesting and amazing areas to explore.

  30. My kid loves wildlife and I am sure he will enjoy this place. I will be sure to visit it when we visit Arizona.

  31. I love good museums, but this one looked so good. Glad you enjoyed. I loved the Aquarium part the most. It's beautiful...

  32. This is interesting and love going to the animal. Seem Arizona has some great places to visit.
