
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Cooking deliciousness with Dash!


The house we are currently living in doesn't have a lot of storage space, so I've always said I wasn't going to be getting anymore big appliances or kitchen clutter. When the air fryer trend really started to take off, my mom picked one up and I decided to borrow it one night. We quickly realized we enjoy using it, so we would swap it back and forth between the houses since we never used it on the same nights. However, when Dash offered to let me review one of their air fryers to have as my own, I couldn't say no! I was sent a 6QT family air fryer in the color grey.

Sweet Potato Fries

We've used this to make a lot of delicious main courses along with plenty of yummy side dishes. The main difference between this one and the one we were using is that it doesn't have specific settings for certain dishes like fish, chicken, potatoes, and so forth so there may be a little bit of a learning curve trying to figure out what amount of time & temp to use when cooking. The only thing I slightly burnt was some broccoli that I left in for a little too long, but it was still edible and tasty. 

Sesame Style Chicken to go on Rice

My two favorite things to make in this is boneless chicken fingers/wings and vegetables. Prior to having the air fryer I would steam our veggies while cooking the main meal, but this air fryer helps cut down cooking time since you don't have to wait for water to boil & steam plus it cooks our veggies how we like them. I like that I can pop open the pan and check on everything as it is cooking so I can flip or mix what I am cooking and add seasonings. I've also made homemade sweet potato fries & carrot fries using this air fryer. Depending on what you are cooking a light spray of cooking oil or wiping it down with a little butter can help combat anything sticking to it.

I have found that it is easy to use and easy to clean after we are done using it, everything comes apart without any issues, and dries quickly. We are a family of four & this cooks the perfect sized amounts for side dishes, when it comes to main dishes depending on what we are cooking we have to split it up into two batches. I like that it isn't super loud when it is on, some air fryer models can be quite noisy when in operation. You can buy the 6QT air fryer in black, aqua, cool grey or red to go with the colors of your kitchen, they sell for $99.99. Along with air fryers Dash offers dozens of awesome & fun products such as waffle makers that are in festive shapes, egg cookers, blenders and more all at affordable prices.

Disclaimer- Dash provided the product above for the review free of charge no other compensation was provided. However, no product compensation will influence the outcome of any review. My honest opinions are used in all reviews, they are solely my own & they may vary from others. My reviews are posted for readers in order to provide an informed decision before purchase. 


  1. This sounds like a great air fryer. I love the price point, too. I've been looking for a new one, so I'll have to check this out.

  2. This looks like a great appliance! I agree too about not getting more appliances but have also totally been considering an air fryer. Sounds like an awesome addition to the kitchen!

  3. I rreally want an air fryer, I keep looking at them but need to see one as the sizings are a nightmare to work out.

  4. omg I want one!!! I can't believe how delicious and crisp the fries look, amazing...

  5. Sweet potato fries all the way! They looked like they turned out great. Nothing better than sweet potato fries in an air fryer!

  6. Chicken wings :) are one of my all time favorite go to's and cooking them in an air fryer is so yummy!

  7. I'm a total sucker for my air fryer! It took me a while to decide if I should get one but I'm so glad now that I have one. Looks delish!

  8. Oh wow, you lucky thing. I'm after an air fryer but haven't decided what I want just yet. It sounds like a great, healthy way to cook foods.

  9. How fab is this! We have an air fryer and now we could not do without it, becuase it makes life much easier especially when we are so busy xx

  10. I just ordered my air fryer and I can't wait to try those recipes.

  11. I love my air fryer and use it a lot. I love making fries in it as well. Thanks for sharing!

  12. My son-in-law could use an air fryer. He is good at whipping things up in the kitchen.

  13. Such a healthy way of cooking! I have not heard about Dash brand but will look out for this brand of Air Fryer

  14. . Heather SwansonJuly 8, 2022 at 4:19 PM

    Fun to try new recipes.

  15. would love this to reduce the fat in my cooking

  16. I really keep thinking about air fyers, but I never heard anyone talk about cleaning them! It's nice to hear it's not difficult at all.

  17. I have never heard of this brand before, but it looks and sounds awesome. I have wanted to try cooking with an air fryer for quite some time. I absolutely love deep-fried foods, but don't eat as much as I want because it's not healthy. This would so that problem.

  18. We don't have an air fryer yet. It looks amazing and we have to get one soon!

  19. Sounds like a great air fryer! We love ours and use it all the time. I haven't tried wings in mine yet.

  20. What a great appliance! I have been wanting an air fryer for a while. I like how this looks and sounds like it works well.

  21. I think it's time I purchase a Air-Fryer.

  22. This looks like a great air fryer. Happy to know that it is easy to clean. That's actually my top consideration. Thank you for sharing your review. Happy to know it's available in Aqua. Will check them out.

  23. I would love an air fryer, Dash seems like a good one!

  24. This would be great to have in the summer less heating in the house.

  25. This air fryer looks easy and I love that it's grey and that it can cook large meals. I need to invest in one. The one I had I didn't know how to use it to complicated. I need an easy one like yours.

  26. This looks like a great air fryer. I love using mine!
