
Friday, July 29, 2022

Arizona Science Center a great spot for hands on learning!


Phoenix families are you looking for a fun activity to do together before school starts back up for the year? Why not spend a few hours at the Arizona Science Center, where you'll have fun & keep the brain active while learning something new. The science center has four levels of exhibits to explore, along with their featured exhibit which changes frequently. The current featured exhibit is called "Survival of the Slowest" where you'll be able to see real life critters on display & learn fun facts about all of the different "slow" species. Tickets are $21.95 for adults & $15.95 for ages 3-17, admission includes all of their regular exhibits - tickets for the featured exhibit, planetarium, and theatre cost extra. They also sell memberships that are a one time payment & you'll be able to visit as many times through out the year as you'd like. The science center is located in downtown phoenix, the address is 600 E. Washing St. Phoenxi,Arizona 85004. 

Once you arrive, you can choose how you'd like to explore the science center, you can work your way up or down. We decided to head to the top floor & work our way down, we had arrived about 11am and wanted to attend the survival of the slowest show at 12:15pm so we made sure we were exploring the floor it was on so we didn't miss it. All the of exhibits offer hands on activities & experiences for both kids and adults to enjoy, ranging from building with Legos to digitally morphing a photo by pressing different buttons.  

The featured exhibit was personally my favorite part because they have close to two dozen different live critters for you to see up close. I was pretty impressed with how large their enclosures were for each animal, they were bigger than some zoo enclosures I've seen for animals of similar styles/species. Along the way you'll get to learn facts about all the animals plus other animals that aren't there in person. They have two shows daily where a staff member will talk about animals & even show you one or two of the animals. When we were there they pulled out the boa & let everyone touch it, then everyone had the opportunity to help feed the tortoises. 

We also stopped by to watch a presentation in the Planetarium. The kids really enjoyed the presentation on the solar system, it took you on a 360 degree virtual trip through the stars and planets. Along the way you'll learn about the solar system & take mini polls along the way answering by clicking the buttons on the handle of your chair. Who grew up learning that Pluto was a planet & thinks it should still be considered a planet vs a dwarf planet? 

During our visit we had a lot of fun exploring all of the various exhibits & getting to interact with what was available. There are so many things to enjoy at the science center that this post would end up being gigantic if I told you about everything they have to offer which is why it is best for you to check out the fun for yourself! I will also be putting together a Instagram reel highlighting some of the things we did while at the science center & you can click here to see a quick reel of some of the critters they have on display at Survival of the Slowest. 

I really enjoy that the science center isn't geared towards just younger children, teens & adults will have a great time as well. I personally like the "My Digital World" Exhibit & the "Forces of Nature"! One of the hands on activities in the my digital world area is this cylinder that is filled with tiny yellow & blue beads with one singular red bead thrown in. You are able to spin the cylinder round & round letting the beads roll as you turn it so you can try and spot the read bead, I was pretty excited when I was the first one out of my group to spot the red bead! In total we spent about three and a half hours exploring the science center, we arrived at 11am on a Saturday & were happy to find it was super crowded, plus with the way they have everything set up it allows everyone to have room to enjoy the exhibits. 

A few things to know before you go! Parking is not included with your ticket, there are several parking garages in the area however the science center will only validate your parking if you park in the Heritage & Science Park garage, you can google it or there is a map on their website showing where it is located. This will allow you to park for cheaper. They do have a snack vending machine that I spotted near the front entrance, but they do not have a restaurant at the science center so you may want to look into eating before you go, or stopping at a near by restaurant once you are done. The science center provides a list of close restaurants on the back of the map of the science center to make it easier for you to find a place to eat. If you want to really make the most of your day & beat the Arizona heat by staying indoors the Children's Museum of Phoenix is located quite close to the science center, you can find info on that by clicking here.

My family & I had a wonderful time at the science center and will definitely be keeping an eye on their social media pages to see what the next featured exhibit is. They also have various events & programs you can participate in, all of which can be found on their website. A little extra info; if you are a EBT card holder the science center is park of the Museums for all program where you can get tickets to the science center for $3 per person (you'll need to reserve your tickets ahead of when you want to visit).

Disclaimer- The Arizona Science Center provided tickets to the science center + tickets for the featured exhibit/planetarium for the review free of charge, no other compensation was provided. However, no product compensation will influence the outcome of any review. My honest opinions are used in all reviews, they are solely my own & they may vary from others. My reviews are posted for readers in order to provide an informed decision before purchase. 


  1. This looks like a wonderful place to go with kids.

  2. This is exactly the kind of thing I love to expose my kids to, It's a great way to make learning love and get them interested in learning more about the world.

  3. The Arizona Science Centre looks like great fun. I love near London and we have the Science Museum which also has some hands-on activities.

  4. The science center looks like a great day out! We have a kids museum here that looks like it offers similar things at it. These places always make perfect family outings.

  5. This looks like a great science center! Jacksonville, Fla has an amazing MOSH that is similar, but probably bigger

  6. I love going to science centers with my kids, it is so much fun and very educational.

  7. This looks like a great place to go with a variety of different age children. It is nice to have a good science museum near you to explore.

  8. Looks like so much fun and like a great experience. I'd love to visit. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I loved places like this growing up! It's such a cool and fun way to get lot into the education of science.

  10. It’s such a good place to learn about science. I would love to visit such science centre.

  11. I would love to take my children to visit Arizona Science Center if we ever go back again as I loved my stay in Arizona before. So glad your family had a wonderful time as well.

  12. Science centres are such great places to go, right? There is always something for the kids to do.

  13. I am beyond excited for my Arizona trip, and I'm adding this to my list of things to do! My husband and I were walking by the science center and museum in our town earlier this week, and he mentioned that we needed to make a visit there. I've been loving going to museums this summer, as I learn so much.

  14. the place looks AMAZING! I would SO enjoy spending my time there! I love science museums for myself and I can't wait for my daughter to grow up just enough to understand it. I can only hope she will be as immersed as her grown up momma.

  15. This is exactly the kind of place I've always loved taking my kids. It's important for them to learn to love exploring and learning. Places like the Arizona Science Center are perfect for that!

  16. Always something to learn at a Science center such as this! The planetarium is usually one of my favorite features of any museum.

  17. Im sure my family would have a wonderful time in this place too. My boys love exploring such places!

  18. This looks like so much fun! It really makes me want to explore more of my own country and do things around here.

  19. Ooohhhh....I believe I would like it here! There is a lot I would like to know about basic science and this looks like the place to learn all that.
