
Monday, August 2, 2021

4Lovebirds Date Night In-A-Box Review!


I am always on the look out for fun date night ideas for my husband and I, so when I ran across 4LoveBirds and the Date night in a box sets they sell it was something that immediately sparked my interest. They sell five different boxes which can make a fun and exciting date night in, or even a date night out depending on how you set everything up. 

We received one of their Paint date night for two boxes which comes with 2 sets of brushes, 2 blank canvas, 2 paint palettes, a pack of 100 conversation starts, 2 small wooden hearts, a set of paints and a copy of what you'll be painting together. The only thing I would add to the box is a small empty container to hold water to clean your brushes, just in case the couple wanted to take the date night box to a park or their favorite spot to paint instead of at home. 

We decided to do our date night at home, we enjoyed some pizza and watched a show then I got everything set up in the kitchen so we could enjoy our paint box. I made a tiny error and ended up separating the paint into the two palettes, then realized we were going to need them for mixing colors to make others! It all worked out alright though so it didn't make an impact on our paintings. 

After getting everything set up, making drinks, and grabbing some dessert we put on some music we enjoy and sat down to start painting. The painting is yours to create however you'd like, it doesn't have to match the print they provide 100%, we had thought about each of us painting half of it so we could hang them next to each other to complete the picture but we ended up just painting it how it was in the box. 

The paint was a tad bit watery so we had to apply more than one layer to some spots, however it did make it easier to blend that background together. As you can see we each had a slightly different way we did our backgrounds, neither of us are professional painters and we were both honestly pretty nervous that our paintings would end up looking terrible since we aren't super artistic. 

It was pretty calming just sitting and painting while chatting and listening to music. We actually ended up putting the conversation starters away, there are a lot of great cards and questions in the box, but we feel like the set would be a little better for couples who might not know each other was well. We were enjoying the activity enough that we actually ended up losing track of time, so I can't give an honest answer to how long it took to paint, I would guess an hour maybe a little longer (depending on if you need to take a bathroom break, or get a drink refill). 

Our end result actually surprised us both, some aspects of the paintings might be a little wonky in spots, though we still thought we did better than expected. After we were finished we both agreed that the part we were most worried about painting were the birds, I wasn't sure how they were going to turn out and he wasn't sure either. Looking at our end results my husband had mentioned he thought mine looked more "Disney" and his looked "Tim Burton" inspired, I agree and I love how they both look. They are currently sitting near my shelf where I have all of my Stitch collection.

If painting isn't your thing they also have a game night and massage night sets (plus two other painting sets) for your to purchase, the price varies from $27-$43. My husband and I both agree it would be fun for them to offer family paint sets as well, this is something we'd love to do again both by ourselves and with our children. 

Disclaimer-  4LoveBirds provided the products mentioned above for the review  free of charge no other compensation was provided. However, no product compensation will influence the outcome of any review. My honest opinions are used in all reviews, they are solely my own & they may vary from others. My reviews are posted for readers in order to provide an informed decision before purchasing the product.


  1. What a fabulous idea for a date night! I love things like this that offer a completely different and engaging experience. This is also great because you actually end up with a momento of the date afterward. I would love to do this, although I'm not sure our paintings would turn out half as well as yours as neither of us is any good with artistic painting. Would be good fun though!

  2. Looks like a really cute paint set - nice idea for a date night.

  3. This is such a great idea for a date night. Your paintings turned out really well too, much better than I could do.

  4. What a fun date night. I love the pictures you all painted. They look great.

  5. looks like a very fun idea for a date. I am sure my husband and I would share tons of laughs during this date

  6. Such a great date idea! I know my boyfriend and I would have fun doing this together. Thanks for the review.

  7. LOVE this box. Such a cute idea to create a very fun date night at home, I love this x

  8. I love this idea! It's such a fun way to spend some quality time together, especially right now at a time when so many of us are at a loss for new ideas with the various rules and restrictions. I have really learned to appreciate anything that can bring the fun and quality time home versus having to leave the house every time you want to do something 'fun' lol

  9. This looks like such a neat idea! I'm going to order one for my husband and me. We just sat down together earlier in the week and had a great time assembling a Lego BB-8 I bought for my office. This seems like a perfect idea for another similar kind of project we can do together. Thanks for the idea!

  10. What an amazing at home date idea. I never thought of doing that. Thank you

  11. this is indeed such a fabulous idea and I can totally relate to the way both f you would have found the ambience loving , soothing and companionship, truly worth trying

  12. What a fun project to try. Love this idea and looks so pretty once done.

  13. That's definitely a nice project. I recalled when my girls were younger, I was always looking for something to do with them.

  14. What a fun & creative idea for a date night with my wife!! She would personally love the Paint Night idea. Though I do wish the 4LoveBirds and the Date night in a box offered perhaps an after party chocolate or something.
    I love the whole question thing too. What a great way to put down the dang phones and actually interact in a fun way!

  15. This would be great too for a kids birthday if they had different designs for painting. I love this idea.

  16. What a cute and ingenious painting set. I like it that you can get creative even if you're not the greatest artist :-)

  17. This is an awesome idea for a date night. Perfect coz I haven't tried painting before and I am keen to learn about it. Thanks for the hint, babe!

  18. I have to share this with my parents because I think they would enjoy something like this!

  19. This is a great idea, I would love to do something sweet and fun with my husband like this.

  20. They turned out great I like that each is slightly different it shows your personalities. I wonder if I could get my husband to do something like this with me.

  21. I like that they included everything that they did makes it an easier set up. I am not very artistic but this looks exciting to do.
