
Monday, July 12, 2021

July Beauty & The Book Giveaway!

A new month means a new Beauty & The Book Giveaway! It is always exciting finding a new book to read, it seems like even though I already have a bookshelf stuffed with books I am always wanting to buy more. I also love giving books as gifts, and I love makeup which is where this giveaway was spawned so I can give both away each month. 

I have a lot of great reviews and giveaways headed your way this month so be sure to keep an eye on my blog or social media pages to catch them all and if you haven't entered the giveaways currently running head over and enter before they are over. Hopefully I will start having more travel posts again as well, this summer it has been quite hot and my car has a bad coolant leak so until it is repaired and the weather cools down, we've been staying planted inside of our nice cool house. We did do a few things around the house this summer though to spruce the place up a little like a new coat of paint in the main bathroom and the hallway. I hope that you have all been staying cool and beating the heat.

Now let's move onto this month's giveaway. The book for this month is "Sherlock Holmes; A Legacy of Deeds" it is a small paper back copy that can easily fit into your purse or backpack to take on trips. For this months makeup goodies the following items are included in this bundle:

💜 Hair Mask

💜Freeman Peel-off face mask

💜 Set of five 3D Faux Mink Eyelashes

💜 Wet N Wild mini palette 

💜 Mad Hippie Sample

💜 RealHER highlighter

💜 NYX lip gloss

💜 Smashbox liquid lipstick

💜 Neutrogena face mask

💜 Nail polish animal stamp plate 

💜 E.L.F Black Eyeliner

💜 HardCandy Primer

💜 HardCandy Metal Glaze eyeshadow

💜 Wet N Wild Lipstick

This is open World Wide! Please remember if you DO NOT leave a comment on this blog post as your mandatory entry into the giveaway then all of your entries will be void. Doing the Daily entries will increase your chance of winning. Winners have 72 hours to respond to the notification email! This giveaway is hosted by ME.

This giveaway ends on 07/30/2021

Giveaway entry question: Leave a comment telling me what your favorite book is! What makes you love it?


  1. My favourite book is a part of the series its called the Mercedes Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. Love it cause it has a strong no non sense female character that brings all the characters together throughout the series.

  2. A book that I enjoyed was Atlas Shrugged. Any Rand's philosophy was Objectivism and it is explored in detail in the novel.

  3. It is becoming by michele obama. I love how it shares her journey

  4. My favorite book is The End of Mr. Y, by Scarlett Thomas. I love because it's a philosophical fantastical book, and the main character undergoes a lot of adventures upon finding and reading a book that is, supposedly, "cursed." :-)

  5. The Pursuit of Happyness by Chris Gardner is my favorite. I like that it is a motivational story about perseverance and success.

  6. I love mysteries and have many favourites. I do love the classic Agatha Christie And then there were none

  7. My favorite book is The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery. It has been my favorite since a friend of my mom's placed it into my hands when I was 14. I have always been able to relate to Valancy Stirling. I am still waiting on my happily ever after however. I just want my own dust pile.

  8. I love anything by James Patterson! I just love the suspense!

  9. I love Pride and Prejudice as it is such a classic tale!

  10. So many good books it's hard to pick just one. I do love the book Dear John by Nicholas Sparks and they turned it into a great movie.

  11. Owl Babies, it tells kids it's ok to be scared.

  12. My favorite book is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I love it because it's a heart-warming story about a turn-of-the-century family. Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. My Favorite book is "The big book of serial killers"
    I love it because i love learning about true crime and what makes these killers tick . Just so much to learn

  14. Too many favorites to list. Liking the fiction lately because reality is just too nuts anymore.

  15. I like The Martian because it's an adventure to read!

  16. my all time favorite is the wizard of oz because i had so many positive memories as a kid about it!

  17. The Secret Garden happy memories of grade 5 teacher reading to us

  18. My favorite book is The Help. Its so interesting and well written.

  19. This seems to change as time goes on, and I read more books. Right now my favorite is American Gods.

  20. My favorite book is Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark by Laurence Gardner - amazing history!

  21. How can you pick a favourite? My fav genre is mystery though

  22. My favorite book is Animal Farm . The social concept of the book still holds true today .

  23. My favorite book is The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell. It's an interesting look into a different time in history.

  24. I love The Girl on the Train. I love page-turning thrillers.

  25. i enjoyed the key trilogy by nora roberts,nice down to earth books with a twist

  26. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

  27. My favorite book is so hard to pick. But I will say "White Oleander". It's so sad but is also positive on how resilient a soul is.

  28. My favourite books are the Outlander series.

  29. The Jane hawk series by Dean Koontz. It was incredible.

  30. I always loved the book Angela's Ashes as it was informative and entertaining.


  32. My favourite book right now is Caraval because I love the mystery and magical setting!

  33. So many amazing books to choose from. Hop on pop will always be a favorite since it's the first book I learned to read. I love The Princess Bride, it's witty and entertaining. The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I love reading James Patterson. I love Ray Bradbury, especially The Martian Chronicles. Reading can take you on so many adventures and teach you amazing things.

  34. Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry- read it as young child in elementary school and it's so impactful.

  35. Anne of Green Gables is a favorite book. I always related to Ann with an E because I had red hair and a very vivid imagination just like her.

  36. I love S. King books. My favourite is It

  37. I don't have a specific favorite book but I do like anything by Nora Roberts

  38. The Princess Bride is my favorite book of all time! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  39. I have always loved the chronicles of Narnia.

  40. I love all the Harry Potter books.

  41. My favorite book is the good omens.

  42. I have been re-reading the Harry Potter series with my girls. It's so much fun to read again, but especially seeing it for "the first time" through their eyes!

  43. To be honest I haven't read a book in so long but I normally read Nicholas Sparks books because he is such a genuine author.

    Tara Enright

  44. I could never narrow it down to one favourite book because I have soooo many. Lol But my top favourites that I could read over and over again are Anne of Green Gables, Candle in the Darkness, Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Diary of Anne Frank, The Shack....and so many more! I especially love historical fiction because I love revisiting the past. I love stories of resilience, courage, strong female characters, and tales that touch on social justice issues like slavery, the holocost, suffragette movement, underground railroad, etc

  45. I like the food descriptions in Heidi :)

  46. The host by Stephenie Meyer is my favorite. I've read it five times and it stays my favorite no matter what other books I've read. I'm not really sure why it's my favorite but it is unlike anything else I've read before. It's a long book and it's as if you are living everything that the characters are living and I think that's what I like about it so much. Plus it's sci-fi romance, so obviously it's unlike anything in real life.

  47. What a great giveaway! I would love to win. My teen daughters would love everything!

  48. I commented on

  49. The first book that I read and loved was Stephen King's Insomnia, I love the book and the author, the book is so descriptive, it makes you feel like you are there living it with the characters....Its really good and only 1 of my favorites.

  50. I love the Harry Potter Series because I got to read them with my grandson and he loved them, he was so engaged.

  51. I recently read NO Exit from Taylor Adams and it is on the top of my list of good books.

  52. I really loved The 8 by Katherine Neville. It was one of the first adventure books I read with female main characters.

  53. Truly too many to name! I'm Especially a fan of biography and non fiction books. I love books about real life events like near death experiences, true life mysteries, how to stay strong in motherhood, etc. 😊
