
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Princess Pirates by D.K Ackerman Book Review!

 A book is such a fascinating thing, it can transport you to a different world, empower you and even teach you how to survive in the wild on your own. I've always tried to instill a love for reading in my children, from a very young age I would read to them and now they enjoy reading on their own. When ever I get the chance to check out new books with them, I can't refuse! So when I was offered the chance to read and review the book "Princess Pirates" written by D.K Ackerman I was delighted to say yes. 

I thought this was a sweet and heartfelt book, the writer wrote this book about her daughters adventures and you can feel the love and joy she has for their adventures as you read the story. I love that they are not only pirates, but princesses as well because it is okay to be both! When I was younger I always hated the who "girls can't like things boys like", I've dressed up as a pirate and so has my daughter. 

The girls are on a journey to find the treasure that the enchantress has for them. This book makes you feel like you are on an adventure yourself and the illustrator does and outstanding job with the visuals, it feels like a real jungle yet you can also see the subtle hints that the girls are in their home having this adventure in their imagination. 

My kid both enjoyed this read and so did I! Age wise I think this is a cute short read for most ages, my kids are seven and eleven and they both thought it was a neat adventure. This book highlights the connection these siblings have while empowering young girls that they can be both a "girly girl" and a "tomboy" which is a great message in my opinion while also encouraging use of your imagination. What was the treasure the girls were after? You'll have to read the book to find out that answer.

Disclaimer- D.K Ackerman provided a hardcover book for the review free of charge no other compensation was provided. However, no product compensation will influence the outcome of any review. My honest opinions are used in all reviews, they are solely my own & they may vary from others. My reviews are posted for readers in order to provide an informed decision before purchase.


  1. Oh I think my girls would love this book! Looks like a great adventure for all. :) Thanks for sharing.

    Stephanie S.

  2. This is so cute. I'm all about girls that can do anything boys can do, too!

  3. What a great book! This would be such a good book to inspire the adventurous side of girls.

  4. the book looks absolutely adorable and I am sure it's popular with kids. I loved pirates so much!

  5. I have a friend with a brand new grand baby, and I've been collecting books to send to her. This sounds like a perfect addition to my list!

  6. I love a book that is engaging and also has a good message. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!

  7. awww I love how it has the special message. I think that's good for the kids, it broadens their ideas.

  8. I love that this breaks down those outdated stereotypes. It's time that we tell girls everywhere that they can like anything they want to like - whether it's Barbies and baking or pirates and cars. Don't let your gender put you in a box. This is a book that I am going to have to pick up for all of my nieces!

  9. This is so cute! If I had a girl I'd get it :)

  10. This books sounds adorable! I love kids books that shake things up. Pirates were stereotypically boys, I love that this book made them girls!!!

  11. This book would be perfect for my granddaughter, who loves pirates and princesses. The illustrations are fab - I spotted that sneaky staircase in the forest!

  12. This looks like such a wonderful book! I spent all summer re-reading my YA books because as you say, they can really transport us into a different universe. Love the illustrations in this one, too.

  13. I have not heard about these books but my younger neice would love it.

  14. What an adorable book!!! I just found out I have a niece one the way so this will be perfect :)

  15. how adorable! looks like such a wonderful book!

  16. This looks like the perfect gift for My adventurous little girl!

  17. Manisha - This books will make such an interesting read, will be checking it online asap.

  18. This is book is now listed on my "books to read" for my nephews. Thank you!

  19. This looks like a great read! Love the pictures.

  20. You just gave me an idea for a gift to my niece! Thank you.

  21. My youngest kids love pirates. I think this book would be right up their alley!

  22. This sounds like a great book. My daughter would have loved this when she was younger.

  23. This sounds like a very interesting book and I would like to lay my hands on it. Thanks for sharing this with us

  24. Sounds like an interesting book to read for our little ones. I'll definitely pick it if I see it

  25. How cute. It is great that kids are still reading books. All I see are phone and tablets! Even for those under 8

  26. I think my niece will love this book. This is hinting to be her next birthday present :)

  27. This is too cute. My stepdaughter would have loved this book when she was younger.

  28. My son loves reading also! Guess he got it from me :) Love the cover illustration of this book, by the way..

  29. I totally agree that books transport you to another world, they are like instant magic! Princess pirates looks like a totally fun read!

  30. Thank you for sharing this! I’m always on the hunt for new books to read with my kids. I’ve got 4 girls ranging in age from 2 to 11 and know they would love this. My son may even enjoy the adventure theme of it. We are huge pirate and adventure fans.

  31. Good to know about this book for my daughter who grow so fast, before I knew it she can read on her own . Love the cover of the book.

  32. This blog definitely taking huge effort of you. Keep update please!

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