
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

A show worth checking out - Locke & Key on Netflix.

I am posting this slightly later than I meant too, but the show is still new enough that not everyone has heard of it. When I am at my day job, I am in a small quiet and chilly office all by myself (aside from co-workers stopping by my office through out the day). I do a lot of paper work, computer work and organizing/stocking products so when I am at my desk the quiet and cold can sometimes make me sleepy, to combat that I often listen to music or I watch something on my phone while I work.

I was recently scrolling through Netflilx and a show called "Locke & Key" popped up in the new section as something I would be interested in. I had never heard anything about the show prior to it popping up or the novel it is based on, but it looked intriguing so I gave it a go and I am glad I did! I was so enthralled by the show that I finished the whole first season in three days! My only disappointment was that there isn't more episodes.

What is the show about? Here is the quick summary from Netflix "Based on the best-selling graphic novels, Locke & Key follows 3 siblings who, after the murder of their father, move to their ancestral home only to find the house has magical keys that give them a vast array of powers and abilities." It is rated TV-14, created by Joe Hill (son of Stephen King).

I thought the premise of the show was quite interesting and as you watch the show you are able to see and learn about some of these magical keys, along with some of the history of this curious family home. All of the keys shown (so far) are pretty crazy and thinking about the possibilities you'd be able to do with the keys is almost limitless. But not all is fun and games in the Key house as you'll find out through out the series, some of the keys have serious and deadly consequences. I enjoyed the cast they selected and highly enjoy the plot, though I was left asking myself some questions such as why the youngest child hardly ever seemed to go to school or why he always seemed to be left by himself during the day. The show managed to compose their episodes so that each episode was full of wonder, information and twists that keep you engaged and wanting to know what happens next. Are there any crazy creatures? You won't find any werewolves or vampires in this show, but there are some creepy magical beings that make an appearance. Locke & Key does show several deaths, one of which is the first thing you see when you start the show just an fyi for those who are a little squeamish about the subject. The show ended off on quite a cliff hanger, I am curious to see how everything works out in the second season and how the show will work out the twist ending. After I finished this I asked my mom if she had seen the preview for it, and she let me know that she had just finished it herself (in the same amount of time I did). I can't wait until new episodes are released!

If you haven't watched this yet and enjoy a good mystery that has a bit of a horror/thriller theme to it, this is a show you should look into.

If you have seen it, what do you think of it? What was your favorite part of the show so far, or which key that's been shown do you like the most? I'd be interested in using the Anywhere key, or the head key.

**This is not a sponsored post nor do I blog for Netflix, I really enjoyed the show and wanted to share it with my followers.**


  1. Ohhh this looks really good! Gotta watch this one too, thanks for sharing!

  2. I've seen previews of this and was wondering about it. I love a good cliffhanger story and it seems I must check this one out.

  3. I haven’t heard of Locke & Key but it sounds great. I’ll have to look out for it. Thanks!

  4. I have been flailing madly on Netflix — watching a little of this, a little of that, on the hunt for something that will really grab me. I haven’t looked into the show before, but I certainly will now. Looking forward to it!

  5. I was just looking for a new show to watch, thanks for the tip!

  6. I haven't heard about this before, but it sounds really interesting! I'm always looking for a good show to enjoy when I'm plugging away at mindless work on my laptop in the middle of the night lol

  7. i watched it and I liked it. it is nice coming of age story and beautiful decorations. I wish there was more logic into what characters do and less of cliche but overall it is very pleasing

  8. I WATCHED THIS AND OMG. It's right up my ally and definitely a must watch.

  9. I've watched this and I love it, all of the keys are pretty neat.

  10. I think they did a good job with casting too, and I look forward to seeing more of the keys during the next season.
