
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Lights show at ISM Raceway! Zoomtown Lights Review.

One of my favorite things about the holidays is seeing all of the Christmas lights, I am always a little bummed after the holidays when all of the lights start getting taken down. This review is slightly late (Busy holiday month + I was sick), but I want to share my review with you of the Zoomtown lights hosted at the ISM Raceway in Avondale,Arizona.

The raceway is a decent drive from our home, but the drive was pretty straight forward and the raceway was easy to find. Once we got there we were surprised but happy to see that it wasn't completely packed which meant we could take our time and enjoy the lights. The path they had set up to drive through was pretty large, we spent about half an hour driving through looking at all of the lights.

Different sections of the track had different themes, my two favorites were Under The Sea and Storybook Lane both had beautiful lights and were a lot of fun to drive through. Part of the pathway actually takes you down inside of the racetrack and allows you to drive in the pit lane. Everything was set up nicely so it was easy to navigate the track. The only thing I wish they had was a little cafe stop or a gift shop area where you could get hot coco to enjoy during the drive. We had a wonderful time and I look forward to seeing if they will be hosting this again in 2020.

Above you can find a video of the Storybook lane, can you name all of the stories?

Disclaimer- The products mentioned above were provided by ISM Raceway for the review free of charge no other compensation was provided. However, no product compensation will influence the outcome of any review. My honest opinions are used in all reviews, they are solely my own & they may vary from others. My reviews are posted for readers in order to provide an informed decision before purchase.


  1. I love seeing the lights at night but i have always hated how they look during the day. I got those led light strips and they look much better

  2. That looks awesome! I too am a fan of the Christmas lights, fond memories of my mother taking me out for drives every year looking at all the different lights.

  3. What cool looking lights :]


  4. I love seeing all the Christmas lights.

  5. I also love Christmas lights . There’s not really as many people who decorate anymore though . I can’t wait to get my own house to buy decorations .

  6. I like seeing the Christmas lights as well. Some of the local displays are a little too long for the little ones so it sounds like this half hour display was just right.

  7. Lights are one of my favourite parts of the holidays as well.

  8. We have a place similar to that right where I live. Its pretty popular

  9. What an amazing display! It must take so much work to plan that!

  10. That is really awesome. We have something like this where we live!

  11. Sounds like fun! I should have checked it out since I'm in Peoria. Next year!

  12. I wouldn’t be able to name all of the stories, but I saw the mouse on the clock! I remember that one from when I was little and my dad read it to me. Hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock! At least, that’s how he said it to me😂

  13. This looks like a great way to spend an evening with the family , there are some really great lights !!
