
Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Bearizona in the Winter!

During the winter month's we love going on a family trip up north near the Flagstaff area to enjoy a day playing in the snow. This year we also decided to visit Bearizona again while we were up in the area because we've never been there during the winter. The park was absolutely gorgeous covered in snow, granted we were practically freezing when we were doing the walk through part but it turned out alright. If you are unfamiliar with Bearizona it is a drive and walkthrough animal sancturary located in Williams, Arizona they have a range of wildlife from small critters to big bears.

I wanted to share some of the photos I took from our trip, we didn't have four wheel drive on the van we took out so they let us know we'd have to wait about an hour and a half before we could do the drive through part that way they could let all the all terrain and four wheel drives in to make the roads more drivable for the vehicles that would have a harder time. So we did the walk through part first.

It was just after they opened so some of the animals were still a bit sleepy especially because it was only about 18 degrees out, but it was really cute seeing how the animals were sleeping or playing in the snow. The foxes were right up at the from of their enclosure getting some shut eye, the raccoons were tucked away in a log staying warm, the bobcats were out pacing their area and the otters were digging around in the snow for food. We went back to see the jaguar as well but he wasn't out at the time, we were freezing so we went to get some hot coco. We found out though that even though the park opens at 9am, the coffee stand and restaurants don't open until 10:30-11am  so we had to wait for them to open and then were bounced around between the coffee shop and one of the cafes both telling us they didn't have coco so go back to the other one. We did eventually get our coco! A bit pricey but worth it to help warm us up. Once we grabbed our coco they let those in the walk about area know the drive through part was open for all vehicles, so we loaded back up into the van.

There were a bunch of people at the park so the line through the drive in part was pretty long and a person or two got stuck so it was a slow moving line, but it was nice because it allowed you to enjoy the animals longer. Many of the animals are close to the road way so you can see them and take photos, the park is great at letting you know which areas you need to keep your doors locked and windows up (bears, wolves) and to stay off the grates when it is snowing. 

We decided to drive through a second time (you are allowed to drive through as many times as you'd like and visit the walk in part as much as you want with your pass), and we are so glad we did because the animals were much more active the second time. I think part of it was because they went through and feed some of them and they let the wolves out the second time we went through so we got to see more of the animals. We also had a good laugh as there was a bear that seemed like it was messing with people trying to get their cars stuck on one of the grated sections when you first enter the bear exhibit. He kept walking across the road in from of the cars, then would whip around and go back the other way, he looked like he was having a blast. There were also a few deer up close to the cars trying to lick the snow off of people's cars. All three of the kids and all of us adults had a blast. I've been to the park both during winter, and the summer and I think I prefer the winter time. Now we will just need to visit in the spring when it is in between the two weather extremes. 

I will put some other photos up on my Instagram pages (@Burningmoonprod + @Lunas_Enchanting_Adventures), and I will try to get a video or two up as well. 

* This is not a sponsored post, my family and I enjoy Bearizona so we decided to visit while we were enjoying a snow day in Williams/Flagstaff, But maybe Bearizona will reach out and we will get to work with them to visit again in the spring. 


  1. I would absolutely love this! Especially that it is set up as a reserve and they have some room to move around. We have a place on Long Island (NY) where I live that is an ecology site. They take in different animals to nurse the back to health so we've had the chance to get up close and personal with some giant brown bears and foxes and wolves. Bears have always intrigued me. As a kid I could sit at the Bronx Zoo and watch the bears all day long. They are fascinating creatures. Bearizona sounds really fun to see. Great name too!

  2. I would love to go to a place like this! The animals wold be amazing to see! Thank you for sharing!!

  3. Bearizona looks like a great place to visit. The animals are so cute. Love your photos!

  4. wow! it looks fantastic! I do think I should visit animals when it's snowing. So unusual! It's wonderful seeing animals play in the snow

  5. It's amazing that all the animals look so cozy even though it must be freezing. I really love the photos of the fox. Sounds like a great place to visit!

  6. Great pictures! What an interesting place to visit in the winter!

  7. I think foxes are my spirit animal. I hole they are all warn and has some shelter at night.

  8. I'm always amazed at Arizona's climate. You get to experience summer and winter but not at different times of the year. My friend has a place up in Flagstaff. I will tell her about this animal sanctuary. Her daughter would love it!

  9. This looks amazing! The wildlife are beautiful, I especially love the fox!

  10. I really hate that we missed visiting this place while we were in Flagstaff. It was just SOOOO cold while we were there!

  11. Oh wow this looks like an amazing place to visit. Love the outdoors and wildlife x

  12. This is really cool my kids wpuld love to see these animals although I am scared to death!

  13. OMG I would have loved to visit. The foxes and the bobcats are just beautiful.

  14. I didn't realize Arizona had areas of snow! Looks like you and your family had a fun day exploring the weather and animals.

  15. Those fox photos are the best ever. I feel like I want to visit this place

  16. What a wonderful experience for the family! It's great you got to experience Bearizona in the winter and seeing the animals play in the snow is such a treat!

  17. What a wonderful sight. I have never seen anything like this before in person. I guess would love to do a trip like this sometime.

  18. Would love to see real bears and foxes. We don't have winter in my country. Hope to visit such a place.

  19. Bearizona in the winter is gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.

  20. What amazingly beautiful creatures!

  21. This looks like something I would love. You captured some great photos!

  22. My son lives in Sierra Vista. I am shocked by the snow. Never snowed when I used to live in Phoenix & Mesa.

  23. These are such wonderful photos of such beautiful animals!

  24. this looks like a great place to visit in winter, love all the photos of these animals

  25. Beautiful photos. We live in the suburbs but we are lucky enough to back to 45 acres of open space and we get the fox and the deer in our yard. Funny when you look outside at night and see the fox walking down the road.

  26. You're so lucky to have seen such a lovely site. These pictures are amazing. We have snow like this in Indiana, but I've never critters as cute as these.

  27. Such a fantastic trip. The photos are wonderful and my family would have enjoyed this a lot also.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  28. Who knew all this existed in Arizona. Great pictures.

  29. Such cute critters! I especially love the foxes!
