
Monday, August 5, 2019

Help Eliminate hair frizz with No.6 Bond Smoother by Olaplex!

My hair is a mixture of curls and waves, some days it wants to be big fluffy waves and other days it prefers to sit in tighter curl formation. The one thing that it almost always is though is frizzy, especially when it is humid outside! I've tried several "anti-frizz" conditioners but a majority of the time they don't work properly and end up leaving your hair looking greasy. I was recently offered a chance to try out the No.6 Bond smoother by Olaplex.

The No.6 Bond Smoother comes in a 3.3fl oz bottle and sells for $28, you can purchase it directly through their site or find it at Sephora/Amazon. This product can be used when your hair is dry or when it is wet, I usually prefer to use it just after I get out of the shower while my hair is still wet then I let my hair air dry. When I use it after getting out of the shower it does help prevent about 90% of my hair frizz, I still get a little frizz from time to time, however I think that is mainly due to it being extra humid the last week or two here in Arizona. You do not need a large amount of this product in order to work it into your hair, my hair is a decent length it sits a few inches below my shoulders and I only need about a dime sized amount to work through my hair to get my desired look. The formula is pretty thick but it is easy to spread out evenly in your hair.

Generally when I am working I have my hair up in a pony tail because it is too hot during the day to have my hair down, plus I go into work pretty early so I am usually too lazy to do my hair before I leave. When I put my hair up if I notice a little extra frizz at the top I use a very small pinky nail sized amount of the bond smoother to use almost like a gel to keep the frizz down and it works quite well. Some styling products can leave your hair feeling hard or "crunchy", I have not noticed that with this product, my hair is still manageable, easy to brush and it doesn't look like I poured a bottle of greasy into my hair. This product also helps strengthen, hydrate, and moisturize your hair while smoothing it out, I haven't noticed a huge difference in the strength of my hair as I've only used this product a hand full of times, however my hair has felt softer when using this product. Smell wise it has a nice light scent, nothing over powering. My only dislike about this product is the packaging itself, I wish it were in a tube because the product is a little thick so I have to shake it a bunch to get the product near the opening and with wet hands it can be a little difficult to squeeze so I think a tube would be easier to manage. Olaplex also offers other products & lines for different hair needs so feel free to check them out!

Disclaimer- The products mentioned above were provided by Olaplex for the review  free of charge no other compensation was provided. However, no product compensation will influence the outcome of any review. My honest opinions are used in all reviews, they are solely my own & they may vary from others.My reviews are posted for readers in order to provide an informed decision before purchase.


  1. I may need to try this product! I usually don't do anything to my hair in the AM and it is always so frizzy and I haven't found a product I love to tame it!

  2. i will show this to my wife and daughter for them to try out. Other than that great blog and great post. Jerry Godinho

  3. It sounds like it might be worth a shot as my hair frizzed too. I think it was good to point out that it would work better in a tube. I have some products that are like it and maybe if manufacturers know that their packaging can cause more problems than they are worth they will change. Thanks!

  4. I bet you were pleased to find a product that works so well. Frizzy hair is a nightmare.

  5. Only those who have a frizzy hair knows what it is like. A close friend has. This must be really a great product reading what you say.

  6. Wow this sound so promising! I must suggest this to my friend, the other day she was asking me if there's a single product that could work!

  7. I really like that you can use this on wet or dry hair. It sounds like a great product!

  8. When i was younger i never has an issue with frizzy hair. But it seems that now as i age it is becoming a problem! I will have to look into this product for sure. Thanks for sharing your find!/

  9. My hair gets crazy frizzy-especially in the summer! We've had so much humidity here lately-I'll have to give Olaplex a try!

  10. I should try this! My hair isn't wavy but it is witch hair frizzy. I have never found a solution...this could actually work!!!

  11. Frizzy hair isn’t a huge concern of mine because my hair is super straight with no volume. I’ve always wanted big frizzy hair, but I guess the grass is always greener on the other side

  12. Thank God I dont have problems with frizzy hair as mine has always been straight and smooth. I've kept it natural since birth so it stays healthy ♡♡♡

  13. My hair is very dry and thin so it can get frizzy easily.

  14. This sounds like something I need to try.

  15. Thanks, I should try this product! My daughter's hair wavy but very frizzy, may be it can be a solution

  16. Sounds like you and I have the same kind of hair. Humidity makes my frizz go POOF! I'd absolutely love to try these products.
