
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Pamper yourself with OROGOLD Cosmetics!

Summer is here in Arizona which means warmer weather that dries out the skin. If I don't moisturize my skin often enough and drink enough water my skin gets dry patches that drive me nuts, especially when I go to do my foundation because the spots are clear as day. To combat that I like using face masks from time to time, and a good scrub usually helps as well. I recently came across a company called OROGOLD, who sells unique beauty products. What makes them so unique? Their products are infused with flakes of real gold and they come with a certificate of authentication. For a review I received four of their products from the 24K White Gold Collection and I will go over what I like and don't like about them below.

I want to make a note that some of these products are slightly pricier than most typically are willing to pay for beauty products, however each one of these products takes very little product each time you use it to achieve the desired results. I don't see running out of these products for several months so if you break it down into what would essentially be "monthly payments" for the product,it may make it easier to fit into a budget.

First up is the 24K Classic Body Scrub which comes in a 9.7oz jar that sells for $48. This product is best to use while you are in the shower, after gently rinsing your face unscrew the jar lid and use your finger tip to remove a small amount of scrub. I found you need very little of this product because it evenly distributes across your face quite nicely,  I'd say I use about a pinky nail sized amount on each cheek and on my forehead. Gently scrub your face using a circular motion then rinse the product off with warm water. I absolutely love the way this smells, it has a light rose scent to it that is not overwhelming and it makes you feel refreshed. The only thing I don't like about this scrub is my face feels almost like it is a little waxy so I always make sure to use a wet warm rag to give my face one more rinse before I get out of the shower. My face feels so smooth after, this really helps remove the dry skin patches and moisturizes my face. The size of the sugar granules are just the right size, it exfoliates yourself without tearing into your skin. I've used several different scrubs in the past and I would put this at #2 of my favorites.

This is the 24K Multi-Vitamin Deep Peel which comes in a 1.76oz bottle for $88. It is recommended that you use this product once a week to help remove any dry skin, small scabs or excess oils while helping balance the tone and brightness of your skin. It is meant to be used on dry clean skin, if you try to use this product in the shower it will dry into a sticky hard to remove mess. The product applied mostly even, in a few spots it wanted to build up a bit so I ended up using a mask spatula to apply this instead of my hands. Rinse with cool water and let air dry. I was left with my skin feeling clean and soft, my face had a slightly "tight" feeling but not in a bad way. Smell wise I noticed hints of what I think were orange/citrus, I enjoy the smell of this product. You may have noticed that there is no tube leading up to the pump so how does the product come out once it starts becoming empty? As you pump the peel onto your face and the tube starts to become empty the bottom has a small platform that starts to rise up pushing the product toward the top. My skin can be pretty sensitive but I didn't notice any rash or irritation from using this which is always a plus. Does it stand out from other peels? I haven't used many but this didn't jump out at me as a must have over other brands.

The Purifying Toner comes in a 3.38oz bottle for $59. I highly enjoy using this product, I've used it quite a bit and I hardly notice any difference in the bottle from the amount of use I have put it through. This product comes out in a fine mist, one or two sprays will cover your entire face. This is another product that has a light rose/floral scent to it that I really like! This product absorbs into your skin and dries quickly so you aren't feel as if you've just stepped out of the shower. I like using this product on my face as well as my arms and chest. I feel refreshed, clean and pampered after using this. I typically use it once in the morning after I was my face and again in the evening when I get out of the shower. Softness wise I wouldn't say I notice a difference but I do feel a difference when I use this.

The last item I received is the 24K Renewal lip balm which is a 0.5oz tube that sells for $58. I love using this lip balm in the mornings, the formula is just right to how I like a lip balm. I don't like lip balms that are too thick or sticky, this applies nicely and lasts all day. It has collagen in it that really absorbs into the lips, I can tell even a few hours after using this that it is keeping my lips moist and smooth. I generally do not need to reapply this at any point in the day. The product packaging recommends using your finger to apply the lip balm but I just use the lip balm tip itself and don't have any issues with using too much or the product or it not applying evenly. Smell wise the lip balm has a little bit of a mint scent to it.

I can't pin point a favorite product out of the four products that I used because I enjoy all of them equally and look forward to using them. Will I continue to use them once I've emptied what I am currently using? I could see myself wanting to get the scrub and toner again because I really enjoy using them but the peel and lip balm I am unsure if I would purchase them again even with how much I enjoy them, simply because of budgeting reasons. They have several other products in the 24K White Gold collection as well that help with a number of skin products, you can buy them all separate or you can purchase the entire collection for $718.

Disclaimer- The products mentioned above were provided by OROGOLD for the review free of charge no other compensation was provided. However, no product compensation will influence the outcome of any review. My honest opinions are used in all reviews, they are solely my own & they may vary from others.My reviews are posted for readers in order to provide an informed decision before purchase.


  1. Not my area of expertise but I enjoyed reading and will share.

  2. Is this stuff really worth it. I never really give it a chance because the way the people try to get us to come into the store.

  3. as someone who has been outside in the sun often, I can attest to the importance of skin care.

  4. I live in a very hot location as well and I always struggle finding good skin products that can resits the heat. I would like to try that purifying toner, sounds like a great way to refresh the skin on a hot summer day.

  5. They look amazing!! I want to try them!

  6. I've never heard of this brand before. Thanks for enlightening me.

  7. I enjoy pore correcting toners a lot. Your review gives me some more options to explore. Thanks for sharing.

  8. These products sound very lovely. I bet they would make any girl feel golden. Pun totally intended.

  9. These products looks very nice. I will recommend them to my gf ;)

  10. Nice! I will surely share this article to my wife. I know she'd love it.

  11. I would love to try some of these products! Maybe my husband will get me something for our anniversary!

  12. I heard about this brand for the first time. Something new to experiment for me.

  13. I am not really an expert when it comes to beauty products. Nonetheless, this is an engaging read.

  14. They look so soothing :) Haven't tried yet!

  15. Oh my - these look amazing! Are they on Amazon?

  16. Nice and thorough plus very honest review! A must try I presume

  17. I have never heard of this brand before but your review is really good,honest and I would love to try it too.

  18. I’ve never heard of this brand before but the reviews sounds amazing I would try it out

  19. I have never heard of this brand before and never could imagine a skin product would have actual gold in it! This is so interesting!

  20. I did not know about orogold but seems promising!

  21. Look like great products! I have never heard of them.

  22. I am always looking for great beautiful products that will help improve my skin. I love the promising effects featured.

  23. Hey,

    Thanks for sharing such informative content. Things are well defined and the way of defining is really awesome. Most of the things were unknown for me.

    Thanks for sharing such informative guide.
    Aashirvad Kumar

  24. I've never heard this beauty product but I would love to check this out!

  25. Have the opposite problem in Alabama with the humidity, but great article!

  26. Heard of this brand all the time, cool share

  27. Omgoshhh...way out of my league! Great info though. Love that that lip Balm would last all day.

  28. Wow they put real gold into it? No wonder it is so fancy.

  29. I haven't yet tried OROGOLD Cosmetics but I've heard so many great things about them.

  30. these sound like lovely products

  31. These products look so luxurious!

  32. these products sound amazing ive always wanted to try this brand out.

  33. I think you just saved my skin. I didn’t even think that me not drinking enough water would lead to the dang dry patches on my face that show up like crazy when I wear makeup. I don’t really have a skincare routine but these products sound life changing!

  34. Sounds like a great product, would love to try it.

  35. They seem like awesome products, but boy they would break my bank haha!

  36. These products sound so luxurious. What a perfect pampering product

  37. Never heard of this company but I’ve used a couple other brands with gold in them,,,mostly face masks... the thing here that really interests me though,,,,the lip balm. I love a good lip balm. It’s a bit pricey for the amount but to me, a really good lip balm is worth it.

  38. I loved their Caviar and Sea Kelp mask so I definitely believe in the brand. These other products sound nifty.

  39. These seem so luxurious. Definitely a treat yourself sort of brand.

  40. They look wonderful would love to try them.

  41. They have great products. I have tried a few and love them!

  42. Thanks for sharing. I like the scrub and toner.

  43. great review, thanks for sharing. What is the result on the long run?

  44. The 24K Classic Body Scrub looks awesome

  45. I have been trying to win product from this company for years. the products sound so good, the toner is something I would really like to tr..... budget :-(

  46. I have never heard of this brand but the products look amazing.

  47. I have heard a lot about this company but never experienced their products.

  48. These beauty products look very nice. Thanks for sharing!
