
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Dolphinaris AZ Tour!

**This was not a paid post. My honest opinions are used (both good and bad), they are solely my own & they may vary from others. I received a tour and will be receiving four tickets for promotional purposes which has been provided by Dolphinaris Arizona & USFamilyGuide for the review free of charge.**

Seeing as how I live in the middle of a state that is primarily desert you wouldn't think we would have the chance to see a Dolphin unless we traveled to the sea or to Seaworld but you'd be wrong!  Dolphinaris Arizona not only offers a chance for you to see dolphins but they give you the opportunity to interact with the dolphins through one of their programs. I received a wonderful chance to bring my kids to go on a tour of the facility to check everything out and learn more about their facility.

During our tour we were able to learn about the start of Dolphinaris and where they received their dolphins from while we were standing near the pools watching the dolphins swim. We were able to view where they store the toys and food they feed the dolphins, each dolphin eats 25lbs of fish per day that is customized to their specific diets and they get daily enrichment to help keep them healthy and active. The fish is gone through each morning by hand to check for imperfections in the fish, if there are any imperfections the fish gets tossed out because they only feed the dolphins the best of the best. There is an on site vet that checks them out daily to make sure they are in top health!

They have four different pool areas for the dolphins which can be sectioned off by gates, three of the pools are outdoors and one is in doors which allows them a place to go during dust storms and when it is nasty out. Each of the out door sections has a different purpose for the different experiences they offer which range from standing next to the pool and being able to touch the dolphins to getting completely in the pool but I will go more into that on my next review of this facility.

As an added bonus for those looking for more to do during their trip to Dolphinaris can purchase an upgraded experience which includes admission into the Beach club area. The beach club is a section where they have a heated pool directly next to one of the pools so you can see the dolphins swimming and they can see you as well through the glass. If you don't want in the pool then there are two hot tubs, multiple seating areas and a bar/grill you can visit plus they have lockers and showers for you to use while there.

During this visit we were not able to touch or interact with the dolphins, the purpose of this trip was just to take a bit of a behind the scenes look which was a great learning trip for the kids. We will be coming back at a later date to interact with the dolphins and I will do into further detail on all of the experiences they offer.

Want to give your child a summer to remember? Head over to the Dolphinaris website to check out the summer camps they are offering which even includes a T-shirt that has been custom painted by one of the dolphins.

Before we left the tour we were present with a dolphin show! You can see a short clip Here on my Instagram or view a longer video Here on my Youtube page.


  1. I had never even heard of Dolphinaris before reading this. What a cool way to learn more about dolphins. I'll have to add this to the list!

  2. This is so cool! I wish I could bring my daughter here in summer. Great post!

  3. It is great they are able to bring a dolphin attraction to Arizona. I have never been but I know you would have to travel far just to see these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat.

  4. I have always loved animals so much, ever since I was a child and I've seen dolphins but have never interacted with them. This would be something so fun and unique -- plus, I live in California and Arizona is "easy" to get to.

    Thanks for sharing! x


  5. Wow.. Dolphinz are so amazing and brilliant.. Though we dont have the type of interaction there, i have been to many dolphin shows... Such gentle creatures..

  6. Wow this had to be a great experience, one I'm sure the kids will never forget! Wish we had something similar in Arkansas.

  7. I think it is neat they are able to do something like this so people in the area can enjoy this.

  8. This is so cool. I love dolphins.

  9. This is amazing! I use to live in Arizona years ago but never heard of this! I have lots of family there so now I want to visit and do this! So great! Thanks for sharing

  10. Sounds like such a neat place. I haven't been to Arizona in a while, and I've never heard of this before. It would be fun to take the family.

  11. Awesome review and very informative! I actually live in Houston and have never gone to Arizona, but every state in the US is on my bucket list :) so I will def have to add this to my list when we visit Arizona!

  12. That looks interesting! I love that they inspect the fish they feed the dolphins first.

  13. I have not heard of this! Sounds like a super fun way to learn more about Dolphins!

  14. We love the experience as well!

  15. Wow - what an amazing and educational experience! I love that you get to swim in a pool right next to them!

  16. This is an amazing experience ! It sounds like a great way to build appreciation and respect for the animals to. I would love to go here.

  17. What a great opportunity! I would love go!

  18. I have always wanted to go swimming with the dolphins. What a fun experience!

  19. What a wonderful opportunity for your family, dolphins are beautiful

  20. This looks like it is so much fun. I love dolphins!

  21. Saw the video clip of these dolplhins.. I think i fell in love with them!

  22. This sounds like a wonderful experience for the whole family! I did not know that Arizona would have a place for dolphins. That's really cool!

  23. That sounds and looks like a lot of fun.

  24. My daughter loves Dolphins we will need to go check this out.

  25. love Dolphins - sounds like a great experiences

  26. A greatly educational and entertaining trip for you and kids

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