
Monday, February 5, 2018

Feb Beauty Pack Giveaway!

The last two months seem to have completely flown by! I've been keeping busy with several things at home along with dealing with colds, helping out with a few events in December and more. My husband and I both recently caught the flu which took us out for about a week and a half, Thankfully I didn't get the full on flu but my poor husband was quite sick but he pulled through which I am very thankful for after hearing about how bad the flu is in other places. During all of this I haven't been blogging as many of you can tell from the lack of post and giveaways, sorry about that!

I am getting caught up now, I have some past due posts which I will get to soon and I have several things planned for this year that I'd like to accomplish both for my blog and in my personal life. First step is to get my giveaways and reviews going again! So to start off my personal hosted giveaways I've put together a great little goodie box for one lucky reader which can be seen below:

What's in the prize pack? I've included some of my personal favorite things plus a few little bonus goodies. This goodie pack includes a $10 Starbucks gift card, two knuckle rings, a mesh bag with various beauty samples, two unicorn makeup brushes, a face mask, a set of false eye lashes, a Pixi dual lipstick, a facial spray, a exfoliating scrub and a pack of bath bombs.

This is open WORLD WIDE!! Please remember if you DO NOT leave a comment on this blog post as your mandatory entry into the giveaway then all of your entries will be void. Doing the Daily entries will increase your chance of winning. Winners have 72 hours to respond to the notification email! 

This giveaway ends on 02/26/2018
 Giveaway winners are announced on FACEBOOK, If you would like to see who won my latest giveaways please visit and like my facebook page.

Giveaway entry question: Please leave me a comment letting me know something new you'd like to do this year or a plan you have for yourself to improve on something.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This year I would like to just improve my well being overall. Life has been very trying the last few years.

  2. This year I would like to do more jogging.

  3. This year I need to lose weight and work out more!

  4. This year I would like to walk more

  5. I would like to go to my favorite trail daily to walk and jog.

  6. I plan to meet my grandparents in Brazil this year

  7. I plan to start walking our hilly neighborhood with my hubby when the snow and ice melt!

  8. I'd like to bring my dog more places. He really likes hiking and I want to give him some more time outdoors!

  9. I started DietBet and it has changed my eating habits a lot. Already won month one!

  10. I’m going screen free at 9pm and am reading a book. It helps me get to sleep quicker and it feels good to disconnect.

  11. This year I would love to lose 20 pounds.

  12. I would love to just be a more positive, happy person! Last year was a toughie!

  13. I’d love to eat a healthier diet and exercise more this year.

  14. I'm going to loose 15 pounds and become fitter

  15. I hope you are feeling better, the flu's been going around here as well (I've missed it so far) We've got 4 people off work right now (1/3 of our work force) due to injuries at work and its kept me a bit busier then the last 4 months. Still not getting 40hrs but hope that changes soon. I'm trying to get more rest and read more books. I want to walk more once it warms up and the extreme weather warnings end (this -41C stuff is BS)

  16. I've been working on not eating out as much to help save money and eat better

  17. I'd like to eat healthier, and be more active.

  18. I am hoping to take better care of myself in general... stop putting me health and wellness last!

  19. We have been eating better and ordering out less. We went through cookbooks and copied recipes we liked to get through 3 months. Each week before I shop, I pull out recipes for each day. It has saved us in food costs, we eat at home all the time now, and I am so less stress and rushed in figuring out dinner on a daily basis.

  20. I'd like to do a better job of being present in each moment and enjoying it.

  21. I plan on taking more time for my family and doing more this year with them. We are hoping to do a vacation at the beach and maybe do some camping. This is long over due and something i think we all will enjoy.

  22. I would like to get another job to help support all my cats and their needs. (

  23. I plan to travel more this year. Thank you, Paula C.
