
Friday, January 27, 2017

EsianMall Review!

****This was not a paid post and my honest opinion was used. The opinions are solely my own and may vary from others.The products mentioned below have been provided by EsianMall for the review free of charge.****

Subscription boxes are always a lot of fun, because it makes getting mail feel like Christmas since you know you are going to get to open something but you don't know what it is. The newest subscription box I received and was able to test out for review is a snack box by a company called EsianMall. EsianMall sells both snack boxes ($14.95/month for a mini, $25 for a regular and $35 for a premium box) and makeup boxes ($24.95/month), they also offer a bi-monthly glamor box which has 6-8 full sized makeup products and clothing/accessories for $59.95. As a bonus on this post you get to see me being silly in my cosplay mask taking a photo with my snack box!

I received one of their Mini boxes, the difference between each box is how many snacks you receive. The mini box comes with five snacks, the medium comes with ten snacks and the premium box comes with eleven snacks and a bonus gifts which could be a funko pop or something else just as neat. Depending on how well you do with sharing I would say the mini box has enough for one person to enjoy, if you are looking for a family box or something for couples I would go with one of the bigger boxes.

Here is what was in the box: A bar of bitter chocolate,A cracker or cream biscuit (I received the cracker), A Meiji Yan Yan in the flavor vanilla, Green tea matcha pocky, and strawberry gummies. Due to it's name the chocolate bar it sounds a little off putting at first but it doesn't actually taste bitter, instead it tastes more like a pure coco bar not packed with as much sugar as what you would normally be used to in a chocolate bar. The only thing I didn't really like was the pocky, I normally love pocky I just don't like the flavor of green tea but I know there are lots of people out there who do.

One thing I wish they did differently is their "This Month's Products" card, instead of having the name and brand of the company it just says the gist of what it is such as  "cracker/cream biscuit" which is a little unfortunate because I love these crackers but I have no idea what they are called and unless I go searching online for what they are called I wouldn't know how to buy more, they also don't include the retail value on the card. Otherwise with those two things changes I do like this subscription box, all had strong and tasty flavors and there was a nice variety of products plus the way everything was packaged was eye catching and well put together.


  1. That looks like it is an awesome subscription box!

  2. That looks like it is an awesome subscription box!

  3. This looks like an interesting thing to try, i enjoyed seeing what was inside!!

  4. I've never tried a subscription box before, but if I were, this would be it! Oh how I love my munchies...especially ones that are new to me like this.

  5. I love subscription boxes and this one looks like fun!

  6. I've never tried a subscription box before but I would try this

  7. My kids would love one of these boxes. I'm starting to buy subscriptions to different companies for the fun boxes of goodies and the family loves them

  8. This box sounds awesome!


  9. Subscription boxes seem to be the latest "thing"...I want one too!!

  10. This does look like a fun subscription box. My son and daughter would enjoy it.
    twinkle at optonline dot net

  11. Subscription boxes are a lot of fun. I am trying to cut out sugar so would have to pass on this one.

  12. I wouldn't be interested in the snack boxes but I am going to have to head over there and check out their makeup and glamour boxes. I love having more options than just the mainstream. Thanks for the insight.

  13. Not really my kind of subscription box.

  14. You're right. It would seem like Christmas receiving one of these. A nice gift to open and see what snacks you got.

  15. How fun! I would like to try them!

  16. Some of these snacks look interesting but I think I'll stick to beauty boxes for know :)

  17. That looks like an interesting subscription box to try!

  18. It's a fun surprise isn't it getting a subscription box?!! Discovering new products in such a fun way.

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