
Friday, August 7, 2015

Mantry Review!

****This was not a paid post and my honest opinion was used. The opinions are solely my own and may vary from others. The products mentioned below have been provided by Mantry for the review free of charge.****
My fiance gets just as curious about what is in the packages that arrive to our home as I do, and he does get a little bummed out when I open it and he sees it is just makeup,toys or something that isn't too guy friendly. Let's face it, who doesn't like getting mail especially when the package is a surprise so you can imagine how happy he was when I told him we were getting the July box from Mantry for a review. Women have makeup subscription boxes and more so why can't the guys have some fun subscription boxes too? Mantry is a manly subscription box that shows up at your door monthly, with editorial stories and recipes that any guy can master with the products included in the box.

The package arrived in the evening when I was giving our son a bath, I heard the UPS guy knock and my fiance answered the door and he instantly became excited when he realized what it was. I had to tell him to wait to open it until our son was out of the bath so I could take some photos while he opened it. Each month the Mantry items arrive in a neat wooden crate and everything is packed to perfection so that nothing breaks, I like the crate because it can be reused to store things in the garage, broken down for a bon fire, or it can be used for a number of other things. Inside of the package we found Bittermilk - Bourbon barrel old fashioned, Chef's cut Jerky - Chipotle cracked pepper jerky, Vermont smoke & cure smoked pepperoni, Halfpops chipotle barbecue halfpops, Skillet Street food bacon jam and Southern Soul BBQ Hot Georgia soul sauce. As with any subscription of there is no guarantee you will love every single item that comes in the box, my fiance was very excited about all the items aside from the Bittermilk.

The jerky was the first thing to disappear from the box because my fiance loves almost everything having to do with Chipotle and we are both jerky lovers so he ate this right away. The Smoked pepperoni is also pretty good it has a rich flavor that normal store bought pepperoni doesn't offer, we used this to make a BBQ pepperoni and chicken pizza and we also ate some on crackers. The halfpops were also pretty good they are a cross between popcorn and corn nuts, they were crunchy and offered a mouth full of flavor, I would be interesting in seeing what other flavors they sell. We haven't used the other products as of yet but we plan on using them soon. The two recipes they featured with this box are a Smoked Pepperoni, Mozza & Basil grilled cheese and a Pulled pork with bacon jam and sliced apple sandwich that use products in this specific crate. If you want to try out the recipes yourself they are available on their website. What did we do with the wooden box? Our daughter asked to use it as a pet bed for her stuffed animals so we let her keep in after removing the two large staples that hold the lid onto the crate. The crates are $75 a month plus $10 for shipping and handling, it includes Six full sized artisan food products all handmade in the USA.


  1. What a nice box, and it looks delicious!

  2. This is an awesome gift idea for my brother. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is amazing and I love giving products like this as gifts too my family love items they can eat!

  4. I like the idea behind this box, I think this is something my father would like as a Christmas gift.

  5. That's so cool that the crates can be re-used. There's so many subscription boxes for women that it's nice this one is more guy friendly. My husband would LOVE it. Thank-you for the information & review. :)

  6. My husband isn't much interested in the BBQ so I'm not sure if this would tempt him or not.

  7. I have many friends who would love this!
    rafflecopter username: Joana Bento

  8. Neat box my husband would love this

  9. This is defintely a mans man subscription box. The Pepperoni looks really good!!

  10. Any guy would love this. It looks great!!!

  11. Actually I had never heard of these products, so the review was very interesting to me. Thak you.

  12. I haven't heard something exciting like this for boys,.. Nice one,..

  13. This box of goodies looks very interesting. Enjoy!

  14. Sounds like an awesome box service and I would definitely consider subscribing for my husband!

  15. This is what you give as a Christmas gift for someone who has everything.

  16. Everything looks delicious. :D Awesome box!

  17. I love sub boxes, I think my husband would love to get this as a gift.

  18. Marnie G (Derrick Todd)August 14, 2015 at 9:41 PM

    What a great subscription box. This would make a great gift!

  19. my boyfriend would love to receive an box like this for himself very nice, men need TLC to I agree!

  20. Sounds awesome! Great review!

  21. So cool, the guys deserve surpriseboxes too. My 30 year old son would love this. I think I'll surprise him!

  22. this sounds like a great product, I would love to try it

  23. Great review, I really wanna try out these products!

  24. This sounds awesome. I've looked into a few different subscription services and have pondered what to do, but I guess I'll have to give another one some consideration!

  25. I have not heard of this subscription prior to now but I love the crate. I like most things so I'm sure I would like these. I would be glad to have recipes included in case I didn't know how to use a product as far as cooking with it. Thanks for the great review.

  26. this ounds absolutely brilliant Thanks for the review

  27. This sounds amazing , thanks for the awesome review !

  28. This is the kind of box that anyone would love. Especially my son and husband.

  29. these sound like great products, and I would love to try it
