
Monday, June 15, 2015

LootCrate February 2015 Review

****This was not a paid post and my honest opinion was used. The opinions are solely my own and may vary from others.The products mentioned below have been provided by LootCrate for the review free of charge.****

Hello again to all of my readers! The last several months you may have noticed I haven't been around, I've been away handling medical issues with family members, working extra hours and just keeping busy. We've moved, I've begun working more and my kids are quite a bit bigger than they were the last time I was blogging. Things are starting to settle into place now so I will have more time to blog again and I have quite a bit to share with you :) so let's kick that off with a new LootCrate box review. I am a few months behind on my LootCrate reviews so bare with my while I catch up, I will also have a lot of Makeup giveaways and more heading your way. Let's take a step back and take a look at what came in the February 2015 LootCrate box which had a theme of "Play".

This box included a Munny doll which is a DIY figure that you are able to design your own character with, as a bonus they were hosting a Munny design contests where winners who designed the most creative character would win a prize. The Crate also included the book "Ready Player One", Superfight the Loot crate deck which is a card game, two rock-paper-scissor dice, a HexBug and the monthly collectable pin. I highly enjoyed this box because we were able to use all of the items and my kids were able to join in on the fun, my kids and my cat had a blast chasing the Hexbug. I do have to note that as much as I love the Hexbugs they do die easily from hair or carpet fuzz getting stuck in the wheels so I would suggest letting it run free on tile or a wood floor where it won't pick up as much hair. Not only did this crate include a Munny contest but it also included a game on the box it came on, you use small paper people that you pop off of the monthly LootCrate magazine.

I personally think that LootCrate would make a great gift for any comic, video game, or cartoon lover in your family. LootCrate ships to the US,Canada,The United Kingdom and Australia. Loot Crate is $13.95 a month [plus $6 S/H] the site guarantees $30+ worth of goodies in your box You can sign up for just a one time box or you can sign up for 6 months to a years worth of boxes & you can use the code “LunaMoon10” you will receive 10% off of your purchase price. What do you think might be in Next months box? 


  1. What a great box. My whole family would have fun with this one. dwelchert at yahoo dot com

  2. it's a nice box , for whole familly

  3. my nephew would love this set, thanks for the post :)

  4. I think my son would love this!! Thanks for reviewing it!!

  5. This looks like a great box, thanks for the review

  6. It seems like a pretty good price for all the awesome stuff you get!!

  7. This is the best loot crate haul I've seen yet! Love the hex bug and the Munny doll!!

  8. You know this is the second review I have read regarding Loot Crate!!! Looks like I need to give it a shot!

  9. I can't believe you got a hex bug. That is so cool.

  10. What a great treat to enjoy and interact with your kids with every month!

  11. great items! i'd be satisfied with these.

  12. Hexbugs are fun for all ages - love those things!

  13. Love the doll. It looks nice. ^^

  14. My brother would like this box.

  15. Lucky you,.. The box is awesome and I wish I could order it tooo,... Its not shipping to my country,.. sad part.,...

  16. I know a lot of people who would love Lootcrate. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Is it just me, or are the Munny dolls cool but super creepy?

  18. I so want that munny doll. You're lucky!
