
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Arizona Museum Of Natural History Visit

With the heat increasing it is always nice to find something to do as a family that is indoors yet still offers plenty of entertainment so why not look into some of your local Museums or centers? Today I took my family to visit the Arizona Museum Of Natural History which is located in Mesa,Arizona.The Arizona Museum of Natural History is the premier natural history museum in Arizona. It is dedicated to inspire wonder, respect and understanding for the natural and cultural history of the Southwest. It was Founded in 1977 & has 60,000 objects of natural history, anthropology, history & art.Explore Arizona and the Southwest from the creation of the earth 4.5 billion years ago to the present. See the origins of life on earth, meteorites and minerals. Along with bones of animals they also have Tom the soft-shelled turtle and a live Gila monster along with live beetles.

The drive from our house to the Arizona Museum Of Natural History is about half an hour to forty-five minutes but it is well worth the drive, & parking was easy to find once we arrived to the Museum. You start to feel the museum experience as soon as you walk thru the door because you are greeted by a giant skeleton of a Mammoth & other large animals. The staff was friendly & welcoming it was a nice family friendly environment & it was nice to get out of the Arizona heat.The Arizona Museum Of Natural History offers a lot of exciting exhibits & activities for children as you walk through the halls you see many skeletons & fossils on display along with videos,animated creations & interactive activites such as floor puzzles,gold mining,& fossil finding. 

I took a group of four adults & two children to the museum our group ranged from 3 as the youngest & 61 as the oldest each of us found the Museum calming,educational & entertaining. The floors & exhibits intertwine with each other it was quite entertaining going from being on the first floor to being on the second because you are too busy looking at all the displays to notice that your slowly climbing up a ramp. My favorite parts was the Dinosaur Mountain where you can ear the roars of these amazing animals from a time long ago,& you get to see a Flash Flood which happens every 23 minutes,This part scared the little ones a little because lights begin to flash as thunder begins to roar as the water comes flowing down the rocks,We watched this both at the very top of Dinosaur Mountain & the bottom. I also enjoyed the Gold mining & Paleo Dig Pit which both offer hands on experience for all ages. We spent two hours walking the museum & viewing everything they have to offer the kids didn't want to leave but we had to depart.The last stop on our trip was of course the Gift Shop! It offered a large range of Dino toys,stuffed animals,Rocks,candy,jewelry,books & more all at great prices we bought quite a few things including a Memory pack which included: A map of where fossils have been found in Arizona,A pencil,A dino toy,Stickers & two rocks. I know that my family enjoyed their trip to the Arizona Museum Of Natural History & I enjoyed it myself, If you live in Arizona I suggest heading over on your next day off to learn & explore with the Arizona Museum Of Natural History. If you currently are not located in Arizona or aren't planning to visit here anytime soon I suggest checking out your own local Museums they are perfect during the summer & give you entertainment along with an educational experience. I wanted to personally thank the Arizona Museum Of Natural History for providing me with a four pack of tickets to visit their museum we look forward to visiting again before the summer is over. Since I was unable to post all of the pictures I wanted here you can head over to my Photobucket album to see other pictures from our trip.

Above you can see a photo of my daughter,my mothers boyfriend,his daughter & my daughter. On the right is a Memory pack example. I know it isn't a huge prize but I would like to Offer one of my readers a Memory pack I picked up in the gift shop,You can use it to have a small educational session with your child. Tell them about the rocks included,tell them about the dinosaur toy & stickers included and teach them about fossils. You can find them on Twitter & Facebook.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for sharing it looks like you had a lot of fun and looks like they have a lot to offer

  2. Wow this place looks awesome thanks for sharing!

  3. Looks like an awesome museum. I will definitely remember this museum!

  4. I love museums and this one looks great! Thanks for the heads-up! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  5. I love museums and this one looks great!

  6. LUCKY!!! I've always wanted to check that one out! The Rulers of the Prehistoric Skies exhibit sounds very interesting~ thanks for sharing :)

  7. This looks like the perfect trip for my grankids! I think they would really love it!!

  8. Oh my gosh my daughter would just go crazy for a visit there. I think she would spend an hour just staring at the mammoth, lol.

  9. I didn't know they hosted awesome birthday parties!

  10. Looks like fun, how long do you think it took to cover the whole museum?

  11. Wow it looks like you spent great time there! Great photos!

  12. It looks like an ideal place for spending a day with children! Informational and entertaining...

  13. Looks amazing, wish we lived closer

  14. The Survivor overnight adventure sounds great

  15. Looks like you guys had a great time!

  16. I learned that they have a place to kids to dig and look for bones from dinosaurs.

  17. This looks like a great place to learn and have fun with your family.

  18. I love museums and this is great!

  19. It's a very funny place! :)
    antonella togato

  20. Dinosaur Mountain looks AMAZING!!

  21. Very interesting, and it seems like you had a great time there :) museums are such a treasure!

  22. The museum looks great, it reminds me of the Drumheller museum here in Canada, we need to go visit again, it was such fun, we also need to take our kids since they didn't get to visit it at that time, they would love it.

    Thanks for sharing!

  23. Kat E. @kitti_katyaJune 25, 2012 at 11:00 AM

    Great trip! I love museums - they're so much fun. Thanks for sharing :)

  24. It looks like so much fun.
    My dd's are not quite old enough for this sort of thing, but I can't wait until they are.

  25. Thank you for sharing. This place looks like a lot of fun.

  26. My 8 year old son, is an active/highly energetic boy. I love mystery and creating different adventures for him. This place is terrific.

    eva urban

  27. Great pics. It looks like a great time. It's been ages since I've been to the museum!

  28. Sounds like such an amazing experience

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